Making equal groups
Today, Year 2 started learning about multiplication. We were seeing how we could make equal groups with 20 counters.

Y1 comparing numbers
We enjoyed comparing numbers numbers to 20 with different resources today.

The Great British bird count
Today we took part in the national bird count. We saw two pigeons and four crows!
We used our binoculars to look up 8th the trees.

Sorting 2D shapes
This morning, we were sorting 2D shapes. We have sorted them using their properties - amount of sides, amount of vertices, colour.

Factor bugs
In Maths, Year 4 have been learning about factor pairs. We have made some colourful factor bugs to help us remember the pairs. These are on our Maths working wall so we can use them to solve more complicated multiplication calculations.

Adding two two digit numbers
This morning, Year 2 were using base 10 to add two two digit numbers together. They were amazing at it and soon moved onto adding without the base 10!

Making arrays to show multiplication Y3
In maths we are learning about multiplication and today we used objects in the classroom to make arrays (rectangular diagrams) to show multiplication. We wrote down the linked multiplication facts on our whiteboards. We were very creative with the objects we found!

Y3 Super Speedy Maths
Y3 are working very hard towards their Super Speedy Maths target this week. They are practising recall of all single digit number addition and subtraction facts. The aim is to know these facts by heart.

Practical maths- area
Year 4 started their new maths unit on area with some practical activities. Some of the children created irregular shapes in the hall with Miss Green. They had to make as many irregular shapes as possible using 6 or 8 squares. They had to remember that the squares had to be the same size and not…

Football subtraction
We have been practising written calculations in maths this week, so today we used our understanding of how to complete subtractions using exchanging by playing a football game outside. We had to run from one football post to collect a number and then run to another football post to collect another…

Y1 Greater Than and Less Than
We were investigating greater and less than numbers using lots of maths resources.