3 Oct

Mental maths methods activity

Year 6 spent today’s maths lesson investigating the different mental methods, and informal jottings, which we could use to solve a variety of addition and subtraction problems. We worked in pairs to discuss how we could work out the answers and were surprised by the number of different…

29 Sep

Where does the number go?

Today, we have been using blank number lines to estimate where a number would be on it. We had to work out the start and end number on the number line as well as counting the intervals, using midpoints helped us.

26 Sep

Place Value work in Y3

In maths we have been focusing on making numbers up to 1000. We have made and partitioned numbers using arrow cards and we played 3 digit races where we had to run to hoops labelled HUNDREDS, TENS and ONES to make a number.  We are becoming experts in knowing what each digit is…

21 Sep

Outdoor Maths

We have been revising our knowledge of place value this week. As the sun was shining today, we took the opportunity to get outside and work in groups to challenge each other with our use of function machines, involving multiplying and dividing whole numbers by powers of 10.

21 Sep

Place Value investigation

This morning, Year 2 were investigating how many numbers they could make with only six pieces of Base 10. It was a challenge to find all of them!


19 Sep

Making 100 in Year 3

We are looking at the number 100 and what it looks like using real objects... We used objects around the classroom to make a 100 in different ways. We stacked and grouped our objects to make them easier to count. We have shown in many different ways that ten lots of ten make 100!

13 Jul

Investigating Mass

Today we are investigating the mass of various objects.  It was trickier than it looked to make the two sides of the scale balance.

11 Jul

Measuring in Year 5 (using metric and imperial measurements!)

In maths we have been looking at measures and converting between measures.  We have learnt about imperial measures and metric. Today we measured the capacity of different containers (in millilitres and fluid ounces) and also different lengths (using cm and inches). It is not always easy to convert…

4 Jul

Estimating mass in Year 5

We are learning about different measures and today we focused on mass. We estimated before we weighed the different objects. We found our estimations improved the more that we did it.


9 Jun

Learning about polygons

In maths, we have been learning about the properties of a polygon and then sorting them further into regular and irregular polygons. We have worked practically making polygons using up to 10 matchsticks. We were then set a task of using only 6 equilateral triangles to make a quadrilateral, a…

26 May

Fractions of amounts

We were finding fractions of amounts out on the playground this week. 

18 May

Investigating angles

Today, we made angle measures and then took them outside to find and identify different angles outdoors. We made acute, obtuse and right angles with our bodies before looking at different angles around us. We used sticks and twigs to make shapes and labelled the different angles.