3 Feb

PE / PSHE Sessions with Coach Dan

Over this half-term we have been learning about qualities that make us effective sports people and how these can help us in our wider lives. We have looked at confidence, perseverance, resilience, team work and encouragement. In every session we have discussed different qualities and then…

29 Jan

"Healthy Heads" with Coach Dan

Year 5 are enjoying a series of lessons with Coach Dan, all based around having a healthy mind as well as a healthy body. So far, we have been thinking about resilience, confidence and gratitude. After working in the classroom on these topics, we go out and try to show these same qualities as we…

30 Nov

Enterprise week

Year 6 Enterprise Week has begun! Our teams have been assigned, our jobs have been agreed and we have begun to plan how we will use the £12 given to each team, in order to make the best profit we can at the Christmas Market next Friday. We have already started making some products. As the week…

17 Jun

Magistrates in the Community

Our Citizenship activities continued today with a visit from Magistrates in the Community. Mrs. Randell spent the day with us, explaining the role of the magistrates as well as discussing the consequences and severity of different crimes. In the afternoon, we acted out a trial - a case of…

12 Jun

Visit to County Hall

As part of our "Citizenship Week" activities, Year 6 visited County Hall in Preston today. We met Mr. Mynott there, who told us all about what the County Council does, how councillors are elected and what happens during council meetings. We all learnt such a lot about democracy, not only within…

30 Nov

Internet Safety Talk

Today we were visited by PC Atkinson and CPO David who talked to us about being safe online. They challenged us about keeping private and not contacting anyone who we do not know when we are online.

31 Oct

Healthy Lifesyles Afternoon

As part of our healthy lifestyles afternoon we brushed our teeth.


21 Sep


We have been learning all about our emotions and how to deal with them. We took photos of us showing emotions. Can you guess how we are feeling?

15 Jun

Magistrates Visit


12 Jun

Citizenship week - budget setting

Today we have focussed on our place as citizens of Lancaster. We have learnt about how counties and cities are run and the services they provide for the people who live in them. We found out about the difficult decisions which councillors have to make about the way they spend money, to best help…

11 Jun

Citizenship week - Police visit.

Sergeant Carson-Brown came to visit Year 6 at the start of their Citizenship Week. He talked to us about the role of the police in the community and answered lots of questions. We also acted out a story about a character who is suspected of stealing from a car. We will continue the story on…