Happy Easter!
In RE we have been finding out more about who Jesus is, including learning about some of the different names used for Jesus either in the Bible or by Christians generally. We used these names to create our stunning Easter cards.

Victory at Easter Art
We looked at lots of art inspired by Easter and Jesus’ death and resurrection. We then used paints or crayons to create our own artwork to represent the idea of victory at Easter. We used different techniques including sponging. We also listened to different Easter hymns and found words and…

Investigating History - Primary and Secondary Sources
In history we have been learning about the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings. We have learnt all about the Anglo-Saxon gods and today we found out about how Christianity returned to Britain (Christian missionaries had first come during a Roman times). We met three important missionaries (Columbus,…
Springing to Life!
In Year 1 we have been learning about Spring time and how new life can sprout and flourish at this time of year. We looked at a range of seeds and marvelled at how such a tiny thing can create something that we can eat or admire! We then planted some seeds in our teams and made sure to give them…
Sequencing the Easter Week!
Year 2 did a fantastic job of sequencing the Easter story, starting with Palm Sunday all the way through to Easter Sunday!

Step into Spring!
Year 1 enjoyed a spring walk around the school grounds today. We looked for signs of the season and learned about why some trees lost their leaves over winter whilst others didn’t! We learned the new terms ‘deciduous’ and ‘evergreen’ and spotted these trees in our nature area. We heard birds…
Amateur Animators!
Today we have been designing our characters, writing the plot, and practising our stop-motion animation skills in groups. Within our groups, we each had an important job- controlling Noah, controlling the raindrops, controlling the animals, and camera-person!
We found what we did well within…
Diana from NISCU Visits Year 1!
We were so lucky to have Diana from NISCU come and visit our class today!
She taught us three stories from the Bible- Jesus heals the paralysed man, Jesus Walks on Water, and Jesus' resurrection- and looked at how all these stories show how and why Jesus was, and still is, special. We then…
The Stilling of the Storm!
Today we heard the Bible story where Jesus stilled the storm and saved his friends from drowning! We learned how this amazing act shows Jesus' power and miraculous abilities. We acted out the story in groups and recorded how we would have felt during the storm whilst Jesus was sleeping and after…

Bible Explorers return,
Ruth and Sutty from Bible Explorers returned today to tell us more stories from the Old Testament. We practised the symbols from last time and heard about the stories of Moses and Joseph. We found them really exciting…
Planet Protectors!
This week in Year 1's RE lesson, we looked at God's creation and how it is being spoiled by the actions of people. We talked about how we have choices to make everyday, some of which help the world and others that actually harm it.
The children set to work and cleared 'the beach' of litter,…

God and His Creation!
Year 1 started their new RE unit last week: God and His Creation!
We started by discussing what being creative actually means and how it makes us feel, through watching video clips of characters being creative in different scenes. (see below for these video links) We looked at how the…