Let's Get Creative!
This week, we started our RE unit: God and His Creation by exploring our imagination and creativity through artistic challenges, and then reflected upon the experience of being creative!
We thoroughly enjoyed creating the wonders of the natural world and felt immensely proud of ourselves when…

Bible Explorers Y5
Today we started our Bible Explorer sessions with Sutty and Ruth from ‘Sports Reach’ and ‘Walk Through the Bible’. As part of our Bible topic in RE, they are teaching us some of the key stories from the Old Testament. Today we learnt about the story of creation, Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden,…

Bible Explorers begins
Having missed out on their Bible Explorers sessions last year due to COVID, Year 6 welcomed Richard and Ruth from Sportsreach into class today, to begin their 5 week walk through the Old Testament. Beginning in Genesis with creation, we acted out some of the stories and learnt some simple signs…

Jonny from NISCU visits us (and not a onesie in sight!)
Today Jonny (having lead a great lunchtime club for Year 5 and 6!) joined us so we could ask him some questions about the Bible. We asked lots of interesting questions such as “How often do you read the Bible?”, “How long has it been so important to you?”, “Are there any bits you don’t like?”, “Do…

Argentinian Plums & Spanish Oranges!
We have worked so hard learning all about Harvest and the Jewish festival of Sukkot this half term. We ended our final lesson with group discussions to consolidate our learning and talk about what we now know.
During continuous provision, the children enjoyed tasting plums from Argentina and…
Thank You for the Harvest!
Over the past few weeks, we have been learning about Harvests from around the world, trying different foods that have been grown and harvested from many countries and continents.
We have also looked into how the Harvest is celebrated within another religion: Judaism! We learned the story of the…

Big Bible Lesson
Today Debbie from NISCU came in carrying a rather large item - her big (massive!) Bible. We learnt that the Bible says it is like a mirror, a map, and even a time machine! We also heard that is full of exciting stories, poems and even letters. We played a Bible version of Guess Who and we’re…

We are all different!
Look at our elephant pictures. No two are alike,just like no two children in nursery are exactly the same. We heard that God makes us all unique.

Investigating Bibles!
Today we looked at lots of different versions of Bibles. We were amazed at the different names they were given like The Adventure Bible and The Message. They also had very different covers. Lots of us liked the colourful ones and they reminded us of the bright colours in creation. Some of the…

Harvest-Where does our food come from?
We have enjoyed tasting fruit from other countries and finding where it was on a globe. We discussed how the various fruits would have journeyed from country to country.

NISCU Talk about Transition
Debbie and Jonny from NISCU came this afternoon to talk about moving on to high school.
We looked at the story of Joseph in the Old Testament and thought about the ups and downs in his life. Throughout his life he never gave up, even in the difficult times. He trusted God through it all.

Ordering the Easter Story
Today we came back after our Easter holidays and looked again at the events of the first Easter. We had to order images from the story. It was quite tricky and we had to look carefully at clues (such as a cockerel, dice and a kiss) to work out what was happening in each story. We then read the…