Investigating the parts of a flowering plant
Today in science we have carefully dissected a tulip to identify the main parts of a flower for reproduction. We have learned and used a lot of new vocabulary, including stigma, style, ovary, anther, filament, sepal and ovule.
Conductors and Insulators
We have been learning lots of new vocabulary linked to our topic on ‘Electricity’. Today, we investigated which materials are electrical conductors and which are insulators. We found out that metals are conductors.
The Great Scotforth Bake Off
Our Year 5 bake off is complete. Mrs Walsh has been to judge and we have some winners.
Bread that was the most creative was won by Lucy.
Bread that was the most aesthetically pleasing was won by Bella S.
Bread that was most like their plan was won by Sundiya and Kirsty.
Well done to…
The Great Scotforth Bake Off
Today we have used our plans to create our very own bread masterpieces. Each person had there own unique design.
Tomorrow we will be decorating and finishing off our bread before Mrs Walsh comes to be our own Paul Hollywood.
Science Investigation- which materials are the most transparent ?
We were talking about making our 3D rocket and the best materials for the window. We conducted an experiment to see which materials would be the best. First, we predicted and then we used a torch to test to see if any light would go through the materials.
We found glass and clear plastic were…
How much fat is in McDonalds’.
This morning, Year 3 were using McDonalds’ nutrition calculator to find out how much fat is in our favourite food choices at McDonalds. We were surprised by some of the results. We didn’t expect there to be the same amount of fat in a chicken salad as there was in a…
Complete and incomplete circuits
Today, we have been testing different circuits to see if they would work. We predicted the outcome first before we tested them.
What is the temperature today?
Every day, we have been checking and recording the temperature. We have even seen -2’C, we definitely needed our coats, hats and scarves that day!
Our Weather Station
We have been weather forecasters and finding out the weather in the UK. Some children made cameras in the making area to record the forecast too. We had other children checking the satellites and others recording the temperature.
Circuit Diagrams!
Check out an online circuit builder here: Circuit Construction Kit: DC - Virtual Lab (
How is static electricity created?
Today, we have been finding out how static electricity is created. Using balloons, we have made our hair stand on end! We have also created enough static electricity to be able to lift pieces of paper and stick our balloon to the wall.
Investigating seeds in fruits
We have been comparing the seeds in different fruits this week in Science. We looked at size, shape, colour and number. Next lesson we will be looking at how seeds are dispersed.