Active Mile
Well done to all our classes who completed their active miles this week and to everyone who walked to school rather than driving. Our miles have been logged! Well done EVERYONE
In role as our characters
We thought of questions using our question hand to ask “ Harry the Happy Mouse”. We enjoyed being the different characters and listening to how they felt.

Smelling Experiment
Continuing to explore our senses, today we investigated our sense of smell. We predicted what we thought the smell was and then we revealed the actual. It was good fun predicting !

Poetry Day
We really enjoyed Year 4 coming to our class today to share some of their favourite poems.

Sharing Poetry with Year 1
We have had fun today reading and sharing different poems with children in Year 1.

Senses-listening walk
We explored the sense of hearing by going on a listening walk. We heard lots of different noises in our local area. Our favourite was the bird singing!

Senses-listening walk
We explored the sense of hearing by going on a listening walk. We heard lots of different noises in our local area. Our favourite was the bird singing!

Introducing the greater than and less than signs < = >
We started using the greater than, less than and equals signs < = > to compare numbers.

Australia Day
We looked at the world map and decided to see some other famous landmarks on our journey to Australia. Firstly, we went left to see the Statue of Liberty in America, then to Europe to see the Eiffel Tower. Next, we went to see the pyramids, then the Great Wall of China and finally flying towards…

Australia Day
We then turned our classroom into an aeroplane, boarded the aeroplane with our passports, had the safety briefing and departed.
we had a bit of turbulence on the way but we thought we would take a few detours to look at other famous landmarks on the way...

Y1 Recognising Coins
We have started learning about coins and their value. We were looking at the similarities and differences between all the coins.