12 Nov

Our Lancashire Heritage through music and dance.

We worked with Mikey and Jenny to learn about our Lancashire Heritage using music and dance. We danced the jig, the reel, the horn pipe, the waltz and the march. We had lots of fun. 

11 Nov

Clay Monkey Art

Today in Art we looked at the work of Frida Kahlo, a Mexican painter who is famous for her self portraits. We found out a little about her life and learned how hard it had been. 
We tried to find adjectives to describe her painting, Self-Portrait with Monkeys,  before creating our own monkeys as…

6 Nov

Year 5 Musical Instrument Making

Today we made and evaluated our musical instruments to complete our DT topic. 

We used our plans to create our instruments. We helped each other out and had lots of fun. Our instruments all made a sound and some of us even managed to create an instrument that we could change the pitch of, this…

3 Nov

En Garde!

Following the Fencing sessions at Lockerbie Manor, we received lots of positive feedback and interest in the sport, and so were delighted to be able to offer this as a new after-school club on Wednesdays for Years 5 and 6!
As you can see, the children had a fantastic time this evening, all the…

18 Oct

Year 5 & 6: Intra-Sports!!

Intra-sports across year groups is finally back, and boy, did we come back with a bang!

With Mrs Redmayne as official umpire, and Miss Parlane manning the V.A.R. cameras, Year 5 & 6 threw themselves (at times, quite literally) into the thick of 3 matches against the opposing school houses- Lune…

17 May

Team Building Exercises

Today, Year 5 have been doing some team building exercises with Miss Flynn as part of their PSHE lesson.