9 May

Maths treasure hunt in the sun

On Monday afternoon, Year 6 enjoyed a bit of light relief after their first SAT. We went outside to do a maths treasure hunt - solving a variety of problems, then using the answers to locate the next challenge. We got some fresh air and exercise, at the same time as revising some mathematical…

6 May

Athletics team latest!

Well done Scotforth,  second in the Lancaster Schools Athletics tournament tonight. You are great at supporting each other and make a good team. A big thank you also to Mrs Boyle who has trained the Athletics club this year.

3 May

Y6 begin athletics in PE

Year 6 have begun their unit on athletics this half term. We began by recording a baseline - measuring how good we are at jumping, running and throwing. Over the next few weeks we will improve our techniques in each of these areas.

21 Apr

Finishing and evaluating our shelters

We had a busy afternoon on Monday, finishing our shelters then testing and evaluating them. The shelters had to meet the design brief: to be able to shelter a family of 4 Playmobile figures comfortably, keeping them safe from wind (a 30 second blast from a hair dryer) and rain (having 100ml of…

31 Mar

Year 6 Bikeability

Everyone inYear 6 had the opportunity to take part in Bikeability training this week, making sure we have the knowledge and experience to ride our bikes on the road safely for ourselves and other road users. This involved two full days of practice with instructors Anne and Dawn. We began on the…

27 Mar

Showing kindness to our mums on Mothering Sunday

Year 6 have been creating special interactive cards for their mums on Mothering Sunday, linked to our current worship theme of kindness. They made posies of paper flowers using folding and cutting techniques then wrote acts of kindness on each stem which they will carry out for their mums.…

22 Mar

Shelters - The making begins!

After investigating suitable materials and experimenting with different structures, today we put all our learning together to design and then begin making the shelters for our play mobile families. We began by focusing on building a strong framework. We all decided to use wood to build our frames…

21 Mar

Forces in Action!

This term we've been learning all about forces- air resistance couldn't hold us back; we got a good grip on gravity; things heated up when we learned about friction and we were swept away by water resistance! Therefore, we couldn't wait to see what we would get our hands on this week...…

21 Mar

Investigating Materials!

This afternoon, Year 6 have been testing the durability, strength and water-resistance of various materials so that they can move on to the next stage in the process: designing a shelter that will comfortably house 4 toy statues and can withstand 100ml of 'rain', survive 30 seconds of 'wild…

17 Mar

Learning about Fair Trade

Year 6 concluded their work on trade by learning about Fair Trade. We were shocked to find out that if a banana were to cost 30p for us to buy in the supermarket, banana plantation workers would only receive 1p. We thought they deserved more than this after finding out about how hard their job is.…

14 Mar

Investigating structures

As part of our DT topic on shelters, we have been investigating techniques for making strong, stable structures using a variety of materials. We discovered that the use of triangles helps to make a structure rigid. We experimented with different materials to build a framework, including art straws…

11 Mar

Football Fun at St. Luke's

Some of the Year 5 and Year 6 girls enjoyed an afternoon of fun and football with girls from St. Luke's Primary School in Skerton. Coaches from Morecambe Football Club organised a skills session for us, before we played a friendly match. Despite the wind and rain, everyone had fun and showed great…