14 Sep

Lockerbie update

There were a few tired children this morning over breakfast after a busy day yesterday, but they soon livened up once they got started on more activities. Miss Huddleston told me that the children are all behaving brilliantly and supporting each other to overcome their own personal challenges. It…

13 Sep

Tuesday at Lockerbie

Tuesday has been an amazing day for us all at Lockerbie, in more ways than one. The weather has been stunning -warm sunshine and blue skies all day (so good in fact that the kitchen staff decided to arrange a barbecue for our evening meal), the activities have been great and children have had such…

13 Sep

A message from Miss Huddleston from Lockerbie

Everyone slept well and had a good breakfast. The sun is shining for the first activities of the day.

Miss Huddleston will be busy during the day supervising the activities and joining in. She will mainly blog in the evening once the children are settled in bed, so watch out for lots of…

12 Sep

Our first day at Lockerbie

Year 6 have made a great start to their week at Lockerbie Manor. We arrived at 2.30pm and have had an action-packed afternoon and evening of archery, climbing, abseiling, blind trail and negotiating a very muddy obstacle course. We have lots more to look forward to in the days to come!


12 Sep


They have arrived!! The Year 6s are all ready for a week of teamwork, excitement, adventurous activities and lots of sleep (so Miss Huddleston hopes!!). More photos to come throughout the week.

7 Sep

Marvellous Microorganisms!

Today in Science, we kicked off the year with a short unit (some might say ‘micro-unit’) where we learn all about those tiny living organisms that can be found absolutely anywhere and everywhere- microorganisms!

We started off the lesson by learning the different types, names, shapes and sizes…

22 Jul

Goodbye Year 6!

Today we said goodbye to our wonderful Year 6 class. Yesterday they enjoyed sharing their memories and achievements during our Leavers’ Service in St. Paul’s church. Several children also received awards (see this week’s newsletter for details). It was lovely to welcome back last year’s recipients…

22 Jul

Goodbye Year 6!

Today we said goodbye to our wonderful Year 6 class. Yesterday they enjoyed sharing their memories and achievements during our Leavers’ Service in St. Paul’s church. Several children also received awards (see this week’s newsletter for details). It was lovely to welcome back last year’s recipients…

20 Jul

Year 6’s Pizza Surprise!

Year 6 had a surprise this afternoon when a special delivery arrived for them. Thank you very much to Scot4All who kindly provided pizza for us. As you can see, we certainly enjoyed this unexpected treat.

20 Jul

Heart Start first aid session

Today, we finished off our first aid training, based on the Heart Start programme. Last week we learnt what to do if we find someone who needs urgent help, how to check if they are responsive and breathing, along with how to put an unconscious but breathing casualty into the recovery position.…

15 Jul

Y6 learn about the law

Today one of our governors, Mr Carson-Brown, came to visit us to talk about his job as a police officer, as another element of our work on Citizenship. We discussed why we need laws and he explained how laws are made. We thought about problems such as anti-social behaviour and the importance of…

12 Jul

Macbeth performance

Year 6 have been learning the story of Macbeth, one of William Shakespeare’s plays. Today they did their first performance of their very own version. Shakespeare’s original play certainly didn’t include singing assassins and rappers!

The children did a brilliant job and are looking forward to a…