21 Mar

Forces in Action!

This term we've been learning all about forces- air resistance couldn't hold us back; we got a good grip on gravity; things heated up when we learned about friction and we were swept away by water resistance! Therefore, we couldn't wait to see what we would get our hands on this week...…

21 Mar

Investigating Materials!

This afternoon, Year 6 have been testing the durability, strength and water-resistance of various materials so that they can move on to the next stage in the process: designing a shelter that will comfortably house 4 toy statues and can withstand 100ml of 'rain', survive 30 seconds of 'wild…

17 Mar

Learning about Fair Trade

Year 6 concluded their work on trade by learning about Fair Trade. We were shocked to find out that if a banana were to cost 30p for us to buy in the supermarket, banana plantation workers would only receive 1p. We thought they deserved more than this after finding out about how hard their job is.…

14 Mar

Investigating structures

As part of our DT topic on shelters, we have been investigating techniques for making strong, stable structures using a variety of materials. We discovered that the use of triangles helps to make a structure rigid. We experimented with different materials to build a framework, including art straws…

11 Mar

Football Fun at St. Luke's

Some of the Year 5 and Year 6 girls enjoyed an afternoon of fun and football with girls from St. Luke's Primary School in Skerton. Coaches from Morecambe Football Club organised a skills session for us, before we played a friendly match. Despite the wind and rain, everyone had fun and showed great…

10 Mar

Year 6 cricket at the field

After disappointing wet weather for our first cricket session last week, the sun shone for us today and we were able to go down to the field with Steve and his assistant coaches. We practised some striking skills as well as playing a game of Diamond Cricket. There was some very impressive batting…

3 Mar

World Book Day in Year 6

What a busy day Year 6 had on World Book Day! We had some great costumes on show including Phileas Fogg, Gandalf, an Oompa Loompa, Thing One and Thing Two and a couple of Harry Potters, to name just a few!

After our whole school Book Day quiz, we returned to the classroom which had been turned…

2 Mar

Investigating world trade

In Year 6, we are finding out about trade at local, national and international level. We have begun to investigate where the items we buy are actually sourced or manufactured, and have been quite surprised to discover how far some of the products have travelled. We used Digimaps to measure the…

2 Mar

Year 6 start cricket

Year 6 were looking forward to their first cricket session with Coach Steve this afternoon. Unfortunately it was too wet and windy to go down to the field, so we stayed in the hall and practised a range of skills involving throwing, catching, batting and fitness. Hopefully the weather will be…

2 Mar

Year 6 and Year 2 enjoy World Book Day activities together

Year 6 started their celebrations for World Book Day today, by going down to the woods with Year 2 to help them solve the picture clues on our book trail.

We also shared some of our favourite stories with Year 2, which we really enjoyed and we hope they did too.


22 Feb

The Marvellous World of Microorganisms!

Year 6 loved learning about microorganisms in Science- who says that Playdoh is only for KS1?! We created models of different types of bacteria, fungi and viruses thinking carefully about the shapes and sizes in relation to each other. We also conducted an experiment into how yeast causes dough to…

10 Feb

Y6 learn about Passover

Year 6 have been learning all about the Jewish festival of Passover this half term. They learnt how the festival is celebrated every year by Jews all over the world, to make sure they remember the time when God used Moses to rescue and free his people from slavery in Egypt. After many plagues, the…