30 Jun

Y5 Wheelchair Basketball

We had great fun today trying out wheelchair basketball in the hall. We played 4v4 mini games. Thanks to Owen, Oliver and Xavier for letting our teacher team win. 

16 Jun

Investigating Day and Night

Today with the help of a torch and a globe we investigated how day and night occur on planet Earth. We watched the sunlight gradually disappear from Britain as the Earth spun on its own axis. Our friends in Australia slept soundly during out day and then woke up as we were getting ready for bed. 

9 Jun

Investigating Shadows

Using a torch as our Sun, we recreated a day and worked out where our shadow would be and what size our shadow was. 


9 Jun

Movement of the Earth, Sun and Moon

In Science we have been learning about the movement of the Earth and the Moon around the Sun. We found out that the Sun stays still and does not move. The Earth orbits the Sun in an anti-clockwise direction. At the same time as it is orbiting it is also spinning on its own axis. The moon orbits…

26 May

Investigating sound

Today we have set up and conducted our own group investigations to find out what happens to a sound as we move away from the sound source. Each person in our group had their own role. 

19 May

Finished Musical Instruments

The moment you have all been waiting for - our finished products. We hope you are impressed.

18 May

Making Musical Instruments

Today we have been making musical instruments using recycled materials. 
Thank you to all our parents who helped us find the materials we needed at home. 
We will finish our instruments in the morning. 
Watch this space for our finished products. 

12 May

Which material is the best for muffling sound?

Today we have been testing different materials to see which one was the best at blocking sounds from reaching our ears. We set up an experiment, carried it out, recorded our results and wrote a conclusion to answer our enquiry question. 

4 May

Investigating string telephones

We made string telephones in our science lesson and then took them outside to test whether they worked. We came up with lots of questions to investigate including, does the length of the string matter? Can we have a conversation when the string is not taut? And can more than 2 people be part of…

2 Feb

The Great Scotforth Bread Bake Off

Today we finished off our bread by decorating it using icing, chocolate and sweets. Our bread had to look like our designs when it was finished. Mrs Walsh and Mrs Cocker were the judges. It was their job to choose winners for 3 categories.

Congratulations to our winners 

Monty, Gigi, Izzy…

1 Feb

Bread making using our own designs

Today we made our own bread using our designs. The basic recipe was the same but some of us chose whole meal or 50:50 rather than white bread. We chose whether to add extra ingredients to the mixture before leaving it to rise. The bread was then cooked. 

Tomorrow we will be decorating our…

27 Jan

The Digestive System in Action

Today we have been following the path of food through the digestive system from beginning to end. It was messy but lots of fun.