5 Sep

Starting the year with TEAMWORK!

It was great to see everyone back together in school today. We started the year thinking about the importance of working together as a team. We worked on lots of different outdoor challenges together and found out the importance of listening, communicating, being creative, making mistakes and…

19 Jul

Water Work in the Sun

We took advantage of the VERY hot weather today and decided to work with water! We weren’t just playing though - we were estimating and measuring the capacity of different containers. We even converted between litres and pints. Water work was definitely a hit!


1 Jul

Year 5 investigate pulse rate

Today in Science we have been learning how to find and count our pulse rate in 4 different places on our body. 
We then went outside to investigate how our pulse rate changes during and straight after exercising. 

17 Jun

Year 5 immunology

Today Dr Rigby visited us from Lancaster University. She taught us all about the flu virus and how vaccinations protect our bodies. She brought some very cute cuddly viruses which we all loved ( what a shame the real things are not as cute). 
We also put on lab coats, plastic gloves and safety…

15 Jun

Sports Leader Training in Year 5

Today Year 5 started their training for the Sports Leader Award. We learnt how to organise small groups and play basic games. This training will continue next week. 


26 May

The Human Digestive System in action

This morning in Year 5 we have recreated the journey of our breakfast through the digestive system. It was messy but fun for most of us. A few of us were a little squeamish and by the time we reached the end we couldn’t even look. 


19 May

Finding patterns in nature

Today in Year 5 we took advantage of the lovely weather to take our sketchbooks outside and look for patterns in nature. Using sketching pencils we drew detailed pictures of leaves, flowers, trees and stones.



13 May

Pollination in Year 3

Today in Science in Year 3 we have been learning about how insects help to pollinate flowers and create seeds and new plants. 
Using paint or cheesy wotsits as pollen we were bees, moving from flower to flower. Our sticky fingers left a trail showing us the movement of the pollen grains.

13 May

Meet the newest members of Year 5

Our caterpillars have reached the end of their long journey and are just beginning to emerge from their chrysalides as fully formed butterflies. This example of complete metamorphosis has been thrilling to watch. It would have been amazing to actually see this huge change inside the chrysalis but…

31 Mar

Still life drawing

We have chosen 3 objects from home to create a still life picture to reflect us as individuals.

30 Mar

Easter Art

In RE we have been investigating why Christians see Easter as a victory. This week we have looked at some artwork which represents victory in the Easter story and then we made our own pieces of art. We also listened to some Easter hymns and songs and added some of their lyrics to our art. Can you…

4 Feb

Investigating the parts of a flowering plant

Today in science we have carefully dissected a tulip to identify the main parts of a flower for reproduction. We have learned and used a lot of new vocabulary, including stigma, style, ovary, anther, filament, sepal and ovule.