25 Nov

Clay tiles in the style of the Maya

Today in Art we have designed and started to make our own clay tiles in the style of the Maya Civilisation. We created 4 symbols to represent us as individuals and incorporated these into a clay tile. When they are dry we will paint them. 

18 Nov

Day and Night

Today in Science we have been finding out about day and night and how they occur. In pairs one of us was the Sun and the other the Earth. As Earth spun on its own axis we watched the Sun appear and day begin. England was warmed and lit by the Sun all day before night fell and it grew darker and…

17 Nov

Investigating Europe

Today we started our new topic in geography: Europe! We looked at the countries in each part of Europe (Northern, Southern, Eastern and Western) and tried to memorise some of their names and locations. Some, like Italy and Greece had very obvious shapes but others were much harder! We also learnt…

12 Nov

Our Lancashire Heritage through music and dance.

We worked with Mikey and Jenny to learn about our Lancashire Heritage using music and dance. We danced the jig, the reel, the horn pipe, the waltz and the march. We had lots of fun. 

12 Nov

Lancashire Country Dancing Fun

Today we have been learning to dance to traditional Lancashire music played on a fiddle. 

11 Nov

Clay Monkey Art

Today in Art we looked at the work of Frida Kahlo, a Mexican painter who is famous for her self portraits. We found out a little about her life and learned how hard it had been. 
We tried to find adjectives to describe her painting, Self-Portrait with Monkeys,  before creating our own monkeys as…

6 Nov

Year 5 Musical Instrument Making

Today we made and evaluated our musical instruments to complete our DT topic. 

We used our plans to create our instruments. We helped each other out and had lots of fun. Our instruments all made a sound and some of us even managed to create an instrument that we could change the pitch of, this…

20 Oct

Nature all around

Ladybirds are looking for somewhere warm to spend the winter.

8 Oct

What do I need to make the perfect string telephone?

Today in Science we have been investigating how to make the perfect string telephone. 

We used different sized cups, made from different materials and then tested wool, string and thread in different lengths and thicknesses. 

In pairs, we decided which of our string telephones was the best…

7 Oct

Year 5 share rhymes with their buddies

Today we met with our Reception buddies to read, sing, sign and act out Nursery Rhymes to celebrate National Poetry Day. We had a lot of fun even though the weather was miserable.

12 Jan

NISCU Bible Session with Debbie

Today, Debbie from NISCU brought her very large bible to school to talk to us about all the different things the bible contains.

12 Jan

Great Scotforth Bake Off Final

This week the finals of The Great Scotforth Bake Off took place in Year 5. The challenge - to design and make their own showstopper bread roll.

Unfortunately Paul and Mary were unavailable so judging was passed on to Miss Huddleston.