Introducing the greater than and less than signs < = >
We started using the greater than, less than and equals signs < = > to compare numbers.

Comparing Numbers
We chose numbers and compared the amounts using the vocabulary, “greater than, less than and equal to”.

Acting out Goldilocks
We have been acting out the story of Goldilocks. We have some fantastic little actors in the class!

Thinking about people who can help us.
In PSHE we thought about people we could turn to if we needed help.

Harvest worship on zoom
So everyone in school could join together with Rev. Rebecca to celebrate harvest, we “zoomed” this afternoon. Each class was challenged to make smaller words from the letters of HARVEST. Amongst the words we found were HAVE, EAT and SHARE. Rev. Rebecca reminded us that all we have comes from God’s…

Separating mixtures
We have had lots of fun separating mixtures using a variety of different sized sieves. We had to decide which sieves to use and how we were going to separate three different solids such as sand, rice and pasta. We also used magnets to help us to separate the solids, as some of the mixtures had…

Sculpture work
This afternoon we have been making sculptures in the style of the modern artist Eva Rothschild. We have used art straws to make minimalist sculptures.
Geography Field Work
Today Year 4 braved the weather (we had rain, wind, sunshine and a bit of hail!) to do our geography! We have been learning about field work and today we did some of our own linked to our topic of "The Local Area". We learnt that geographers carry out surveys to get information and so we did a…
NISCU Visits Year 6!
Year 6 had an excellent afternoon when Diana from NISCU visited us for our RE lesson! During the lesson, she told us all about the many adventures of Paul and how God guided him through his journey of life. Take a look at our photo slideshow to see us in action, acting out the story of Paul to…

Welcome back to NISCU
We have been delighted to be able to welcome both Debbie and Diana from NISCU back into school this week. We have seen them (and Diana’s dog) on their video “disassembles” each week, but it was extra special to be able to invite them into class in real life! Diana spent time with Year 6 looking at…