27 Sep

Playleaders in action

Year 6 have begun putting their playleader training into action this week as they support the KS1 children during lunchtime play. Three Year 6 playleaders will be on duty each lunchtime to organise group games in the playleader zone on the bottom playground. 


27 Sep

Playleaders in action

Year 6 have begun putting their playleader training into action this week, as they support the KS1 children during lunchtime play. They are leading games in the playleaders zone on the bottom playground. 


27 Sep

NISCU Big Bible Lesson Year 5

Today Debbie from NISCU came to teach us about the Bible using her very own Big Bible!  It was full of things to help us understand why the Bible is so important to Christians.  We thought about lots of different stories and characters in the Bible (well done Henry and Reuben who thought of some…

23 Sep

What happens to solids when we heat them up?

We have been investigating what happens to solids when they are heated or cooled. We have heated chocolate, butter, wax, ice, jelly, bread and an egg to see whether they changed state and we recorded our results.

23 Sep

Information Hunt

We have been looking at information pages in different magazines and finding the key features. We used post-it notes to identify headings, subheadings, labels, captions, facts, questions and key vocabulary. We are going to use these key features when we write our own information page about the…

22 Sep

Where we live.

We have been learning all about the four countries of the United Kingdom including their capital cities.  This map on our classroom wall is there to remind us of their names.

20 Sep

Role playing Little Red Riding Hood

We had a great time dressing up and making puppets to act out the story of Little Red Riding Hood. We particularly enjoyed the parts where we could all join in. “Oh Grandma what big ears you have!” 

20 Sep


We have been working on our fundamental movement skills as a class with Coach Tom. 

18 Sep

Last day at Lockerbie

Today we said goodbye to Lockerbie Manor and set off home after lunch. Before that though, we still had activities to enjoy, which included abseiling, target shooting, survival skills, archery and tackling the low-ropes course. 


17 Sep


Today we have looked in our Harvest chatterbox . We found a tractor and lots of different vegetables and fruit. We talked about some of the fruit being picked in hot countries. We found out that our bananas came from Costa Rica.

16 Sep

Thursday at Lockerbie Manor!

Our penultimate day at Lockerbie has been jam-packed with tough targets, tricky team-building tasks and towering heights! We’ve have great fun when facing our fears at the Manor's enormous climbing wall, straining to reach the next level on Jacob's Tower, and when learning how to take time and…

16 Sep

Our Ideal Classroom

In PSHE we have been thinking about our happy places and how we could bring elements of these into our classroom.  We came up with some fabulous ideas about how to create a more positive environment for everyone. Being kind, sharing, playing more, having fun, laughing, smiley faces, stars and even…