14 Oct

Mindful Planting

For Mindful Monday some children chose to do planting with Miss Walsh. 
Some children chose to plant peas (vegetables) and some children chose to plant sweet peas (flowers)! 

After this, we created some faces using natural resources we could find around us!

10 Oct

Separating mixtures by sieving

We have been learning about the different ways to separate mixtures. Today we have been focusing on sieving. We decided which sieves and colanders to use to separate a variety of solids.

9 Oct

Levers and Pulleys

Today we investigated pulleys and levers. We found that using multiple pulleys meant less work was required to lift a 1kg mass. We also found that moving a pivot on a lever  changed how much mass was required to lift an object.




4 Oct

New words to favourite songs

We have been thinking of new words to well known nursery rhymes. We sang, “Baa, baa, green sheep” and found it very funny.

4 Oct

Rounding numbers

In Maths this week we have been looking at rounding numbers to the nearest 10 and 100. We first worked out which tens/hundreds numbers our chosen number sat between on a number line and then looked at the correct column to round the number.

We used this rounding rhyme to help us:

‘Five to…

3 Oct

Girls Football tournament

Some girls from Year 6 and Year 5 enjoyed an afternoon of sunshine at Lancaster and Morecambe College, taking part in the Girls Football tournament. Our team did really well, winning their pool then progressing to the semi-finals. We ended up in 4th place overall, out of 15 teams. An amazing…

2 Oct

Olive Branch

The newly formed Worship Team took the Harvest gifts to the Olive Branch today. They spent some time finding out about the amazing things that the Olive Branch do.

1 Oct

Open Doors Charity

Year 6s found out about Christians around the world and how tough things can be in countries where Christians are persecuted. They played a game which taught them about some of the ways Open Doors helps these Christians.

This all linked to our Worship yesterday about the British Value -…

1 Oct


Year 6 have been learning the classic poem, Jabberwocky by Lewis Carroll. Many of the words are nonsense words, so we spent some time thinking about what these words could mean. This morning, we ventured down to the woods to rehearse and film our own performance of Jabberwocky. In groups, we found…

27 Sep

Looking at key features in a magazine

In preparation for writing our information page about the Loch Ness Monster, we have been looking at magazine pages and identifying key features that they include. We located the heading, subheadings, technical vocabulary, photos, captions, any questions and key facts we could find.

26 Sep

Using Easi-scopes

Today, we have been using the Easi-scopes to look closely at different solids such as sugar, salt, sawdust and coffee. The solids were magnified and we could easily see the different particles clearly. We had to try and guess what each of them were.

26 Sep

Playground games from the past recreated!

In PE, we have been learning some playground games from the past. Today we played Queenie where we had to throw a ball over our head and the others had to catch and hide it behind their backs. We were very good at hiding the ball!