18 Oct

Great Fire of London fact files and artwork

We had an incredibly busy day today as we were finishing our Great Fire of London fact files for display and creating 3D pictures of famous building that were destroyed during the Great Fire.

18 Oct

Decorating biscuits with our buddies

We visited our buddies and had lots of fun decorating biscuits together.

18 Oct

Year 5 Flower Dissection

In Science we have been learning about pollination and fertilisation in a flowering plant. We carefully dissected 2 different flowers to see if we could identify all the main parts of the flower. 

17 Oct

Football Fun

Today it was the boys’ turn to go along to Lancaster and Morecambe College for their tournament. There were 25 schools represented and our team of Y6 boys worked really well as a team. They won two games in their pool, drew one and lost one, narrowly missing out on a place in the quarter finals. 

17 Oct

Does gas weigh?

Today, we carried out an investigation to find out if gas weighs. We learnt about Joseph Priestley, the man who invented fizzy drinks. Fizzy drinks include a gas called carbon dioxide. In our experiment we shook different bottles of pop and slowly let the carbon dioxide out. We weighed the bottles…

16 Oct

Labelling body parts

Today we have been learning about our bodies. We have been labelling the different body parts using play dough models we have made. 

16 Oct

Forces Escape Room

This half term we have been learning all about forced in year 6. Today, we braved the rain and completed 10 puzzles hidden around school to give us 10 digits to let us escape out of our “locked in” scenario!


16 Oct

RE in year 5

This half term in year 5 we have been learning all about the Bible. Recently we had a read through Psalm 23 in many different versions of the Bible. We spoke about why there may be different translations and which were our favourite. We also had a visit from Abi from NISCU who taught us a bit more…

15 Oct

Verbal instructions in year 5!

This week in year 5 we are learning about instructions, focusing today on verbal instructions. We were trying to decide if these were easier to follow than written instructions. We first started by guiding a partner using only verbal instructions around the playground avoiding obstacles. It…

15 Oct

Great Big Live Assembly - Black History Month

We joined with thousands of schools around the country to tune into a Great Big Live Assembly all about Black History Month. We heard from many black celebrities and influencers about their heroes, as well as learning more about inspiring black leaders from around the world. 

14 Oct

Giacometti sculptures

Year 6’s art topic this half term has been “People in Action”. As well as learning how to draw people in proportion and looking at various famous artists who drew people, we have studied the work of Alberto Giacometti. He was a Swiss sculptor who became famous for creating life-sized figures, with…

14 Oct

Mindful Monday - Dog Walk

Some children chose a woodland dog walk for one of their mindful activities today. They gave different reasons for their choice - fresh air, exercise, peace and quiet, nature and because they like dogs! Whatever the reason, we had fun walking around the woods, taking turns holding Rosie (the…