14 Mar

Which surfaces create more friction?

We have been investigating which surfaces create more friction by pulling a bag across a variety of surfaces and measuring the amount of force needed to pull it. 

14 Mar

Basketball training for Year 6

Year 6 had a great afternoon today, up at the University of Cumbria. The PE students organised an afternoon of basketball training for us where we learnt the rules of the game and practised a range of skills before having an inter-house tournament. Castle house were the victors, winning all of…

13 Mar

Having fun printing in Year 3

Over the last few weeks we have been designing and making different types of prints. We have used polystyrene blocks to make prints inspired by the death mask of Tutankhamun. We also made block prints (using draught excluder tape!) in the style of hieroglyphics. We are really proud of our…

13 Mar

Dear Zoo.

This week we having been learning all about the book, Dear Zoo. Reception have written their own Dear Zoo story and we have made our own zoo map. 

12 Mar

Egg hunt with a difference!

The children had to hunt for creatures that hatch from eggs in our wooded walk. We talked about the life cycles of the different creatures we found.

12 Mar

Viking Research and Presentation

In History, Y5 have now moved on to learn about the Vikings.  Our challenge this week was to work in teams to research one particular aspect of Viking life and then present everything we had learnt to the rest of the class.  Here we are sharing our posters.

8 Mar


Thank you to Lauren who came in this week to teach us some cricket skills.  

8 Mar

Biggest Girls’ Football Day

It was great to see so many girls wanting to play football. ⚽️⚽️⚽️⚽️ Anya who plays for Morecambe Ladies also came down. 

8 Mar

Y1 and Y5 Book Quiz

We enjoyed the book character quiz around the school. Thank you Year 5’s who helped us too! 

8 Mar

We’re Going on a Book Hunt!

Today we celebrated World Book Day by going on a book hunt! We had to find different book characters hidden around the school. There were 53 in total to find and recognise! Some were books we remembered from when we were younger. We loved seeing some of our favourite characters!


8 Mar

Thank you Year 3

On World Book Day, year 3 came to read to us. We really enjoyed having an older friend to read any book we chose. The children got on so well that we have invited them back.

8 Mar

World Book Day in Reception.

We had so much fun yesterday celebrating World Book Day. We got to dress up as our favourite character, listen to a new story and the Year 4s came down to read to us. What an amazing day we had.