27 Mar

Year 3&4 Spirituality Morning

This morning in Y3 & 4 we explored the theme of “treasures. At the beginning we came up with lots of ideas linked to treasure like gold, jewels and pirates! We then did three different activities to explore the treasures we have in our lives.  We thought about different places that are special to…

27 Mar

Year 5 and 6 Spirituality Morning

Year 6 joined Year 5 this morning for our Spirituality Morning, where we spent time thinking about the symbol of the cross as represented in different countries around the world. We looked at the Jerusalem cross, depicting four small crosses around a main cross. We learnt that this can represent…

26 Mar

Y1/2 Spirituality Session

Y1 and Y2 enjoyed their Spirituality Session today. We explored the theme of ‘friendship’, Jesus and the disciples through our activities and had time to reflect on the afternoon with the children. They had some amazing ideas! 

26 Mar

Y3/4 Football

Well done to the Y3/4 football team who represented the school well in the local tournament.

26 Mar

Viking Longships

We explored the different features of a Viking longship before creating our own using paper and straws.

26 Mar

Anglo Saxon Protection

We finished the morning learning how the Anglo Saxons used spears to protect themselves.

26 Mar

Viking Fun

Could you decipher Viking runes like these children?

22 Mar

Investigating water and air resistance

What a lot of investigating we have been doing in science this week! Our experiments were linked to water and air resistance. We made different shapes out of play dough and dropped them in water to see which travelled faster. The sausage shape created less water resistance and was the fastest…

22 Mar

Making sculptures inspired by Eva Rothschild

We have been learning about famous sculptors and this week we are focusing on Eva Rothschild.  We designed sculptures inspired by her art works and then made our own using straws. We learnt how to attach straws together using pipe cleaners. We added pops of colour using stickers and coloured…

22 Mar

Morecambe Players Visit (Y3)

Today we were lucky enough to get a visit from three first team Morecambe FC players. We asked them questions about their lives and their footballing careers, their favourite players and what they had enjoyed most about school. They told us about good team work and how they deal with losing…

21 Mar

Fun with Fractions in Year 3

In maths we have started to learn about fractions.  Today we played a dice game to see who could the largest fraction. We had lots of fun!


20 Mar

Tag Rugby tournament

The sun shone for us this afternoon as the Year 6 tag rugby team took part in the Lancaster Schools’ tournament at the Vale of Lune Rugby Club. Despite the sunshine, the pitches were quite wet and by the end of the afternoon, we were quite muddy!
We played 6 matches in total, winning two, drawing…