Testing Voltage in Y6
Today in science we had a look at the difference between voltage and current. We tried testing buzzers, bulbs and motors to see if their output energy changed depending on the voltage from the batteries.

Making Smoothies
We followed all of the instructions very carefully to make our fruit smoothie. Mrs Walsh enjoyed it and we have now made our own recipe.

Children’s Worship Conference
Today, Miss Huddleston took two members of our Worship Team to Clitheroe to the Blackburn Diocesan Children’s Worship Conference. The focus was “Giants of Faith”. We considered famous giants of faith, then thought about how we can be giants of faith ourselves, standing up for justice, praying…

Division with remainders challenge
This week Year 6 have been introduced to the method of long division. Now we have learned how to solve a long division calculation, we have moved on to thinking about what our answers actually mean, especially if there is a remainder in our answer. For example, if there are 165 people invited to a…

Orienteering SPAG
This morning, Year 6 made the most of the dry sunny day to learn some orienteering skills at the same time as practising their spelling, grammar and punctuation. First we had to orientate our maps and become familiar with the key before using them to locate control points around the school…

Invasion games in Y4
We have been practising dribbling a ball in PE today. We worked in teams to bounce on the spot and move with the ball. We will use these skills when we play some invasion games.
Year 6 have been learning about some of the World War 1 war poets in their literacy lessons. We have been interested to discover that one of the poets, Laurence Binyon, was born in Lancaster (and has a street named after him, just down the road from school). His most famous poem is “For the…

Rat attack in Year 3!
We have started our new story - The Pied Piper of Hamelin - and today we thought about what activities the townsfolk would be doing before the rats came and then how things would have changed when they arrived. We really got into character!

Tasting bread and fillings in Y3
We are preparing to make our own sandwiches and today we have been tasting some different breads and fillings that we might use. We have used lots of different adjectives to describe the taste, the smell, the appearance, and the texture of the fillings.lots of us tried new flavours!

Year 6 printing project begins
This week we have started our printing project in art, to create our Christmas cards for this year. We used polystyrene blocks to cut out our basic design. We then used special printing ink to evenly coat our blocks before transferring the design onto paper. Watch out for more blogs showing our…

Badminton skills continued
Today we have used our new badminton nets in PE. We have practised serving the shuttlecock and worked on keeping a rally going with our partner for as long as possible.

Walking through the Bible
Sooty and Ruth, from Sportsreach, started our Walk through the Bible sessions this week. So far we have learnt about creation through to Isaac with actions to help us along the way.
It will be interesting to see how much we can remember as we add more actions week by week.