12 Mar

Mayans visit

On Friday afternoon. "Professor Tuesday" came to visit Y6 to tell us all about the Mayan civilisation of Central America. This included making a human timeline and handling lots of artefacts.

11 Mar

Making Hand Puppets

After exploring lots of other types of puppets, we decided to design and make our own hand puppets.  Take a look at our pictures to see all the things we had to do throughout the designing and making process.  Mrs Cross was really impressed with our skills and I'm sure you will all…

10 Mar

Investigating Exercise in Science

In Science this week we were learning about the importance of looking after our bodies.  We all know that we should exercise to keep fit and strong so today the children were investigating the impact of intense activity on our bodies.  Can you see which exercises the children were  doing?  They…

8 Mar

Cricket in the Spring sunshine

Year 6 enjoyed their first session of cricket with coach Steve Pemberton of the Lancashire Cricket Foundation. We learnt the jobs of the wicket keeper and bowler first, followed by batter and fielders. We practised playing in all these positions during the session. We look forward to developing…

7 Mar

Cancer Research DNA event

Year 6 enjoyed a day at Lancaster University on Thursday, finding out about the work of Cancer Research North West. First we had a practical session in the laboratory with one of the university's researchers, Tom, who explained what DNA is before showing us how to extract the DNA from fruit. We…

5 Mar

Reading with mums and dads in school

A big thank you to all the mums and dada who came into school to share books with all the children in reception. There was real excitement and enjoyment. 


5 Mar

World Book Week Parent Visit

A very big thank you to all the parents who found the time to come into school to read with us.  We really enjoyed it!!

5 Mar

African Batiks

As part of our Africa topic we have designed and made batiks using images from African animals. First of all we painted melted wax onto cotton squares and then painted on our colour dyes. They look great! 


4 Mar

Adventures at Beacon Fell

Year 5 enjoyed a day of adventure at Beacon Fell this week. We have been reading Kensuke's Kingdom by Michael Murpurgo, so we imagined that we had been stranded on Beacon Fell, just like Michael had been washed up on the shores of Kensuke's island. First we explored the fell to find the best place…

4 Mar

Nursery dressed up for World book day!

The whole school dressed up for World Book day today. We looked at lots of books, joined in with a quiz in the hall with the rest of the school and enjoyed a book themed lunch. Friends from year 3 came to read with us and they took us on a book hunt around school!



Date Created4 March…

3 Mar

Year 4 came to read with us on World Book Day

On World Book Day the children joined classes so they could read together.  We shared our books with children from Year 4.

3 Mar

Dressing up for World Book Day

Look at our fabulous costumes for World Book Day!!

Do you know who we all are?