26 Jan

Who built the ark?

This week we have started listening to the stories Jesus would have heard when he was a little boy. We decided to make our own arks and fill them with animals. The story is really good for supporting our counting.

26 Jan

Electricity dance

Miss Helen is teaching us dances linked to our Science topic on electricity. We have thought of different movements to make an electrical circuit dance with a partner and incorporated switches, wires and different components into our sequence. 

22 Jan

Y5 Circuit Training

In P.E. this half term we are working on improving our fitness.  Here we are completing seven different activities in our circuit training session.

19 Jan

Y1-Dance Session

We enjoyed Miss Helen coming to do our dance this week. 

19 Jan

Roman workshop

What fun we have had in Year 4 today. Marcus, a Roman soldier, visited and taught us all about the Roman Army. We had training to be a soldier and looked at lots of weapons and armour. We learnt lots of Latin words too. Have a look at the photos to see what we have been doing.

18 Jan

Year 5 learn a basic bread recipe

Today in our DT lesson we found out which ingredients were needed to make white bread. Working in a small group we followed a recipe. Each person in the group had their own piece of dough to knead and shape. Our bread was baked this afternoon then we got to take it home to eat. 
Next lesson we…

18 Jan

Household objects with magical powers

In a few weeks, we are going to write a fantasy story so today we looked at different household objects and discussed how they could be incorporated into our stories with magical powers. We had lots of ideas.

17 Jan

Ancient Egypt visits Year 3!

What a morning of fun and learning we have had today with Professor Tuesday! We learnt all about the importance of the River Nile, the different kingdoms of Ancient Egypt, the different roles and jobs people had, how mummies were made and finally the importance of artefacts in history. Wow! Have a…

17 Jan

Making our own hopscotch

We did maths outside today. We had some spots that had numbers and dots on, it was our job to find our matching pair. We then made our own hopscotch and counted as we played. 

17 Jan

Special visitors

On Monday this week 2 fishes came to visit Nursery. We are going to use our super friend hands to help look after them.

17 Jan


This half term our topic is superheroes. The children have set up a hero small world area and made their own superheroes to have adventures in it. We shall be hearing all about superheroes both in stories and those who help us in real life.

16 Jan

A Snowy Break Time!

We had a lovely break time today playing in the snow. We made snowballs, snow angels, snow men and lots of other creative ideas!

We could barely hold our excitement when we saw the snow falling outside so you can imagine what we were like when we were finally outside!