3 Mar

Investigating time zones

This afternoon in geography, Year 6 have been learning about time zones and how they relate to the lines of longitude (including the prime meridian which runs through Greenwich in London). We found out what time it is now in other parts of the world and enjoyed looking at live webcams to see what…

28 Feb

Experimenting with Garage Band

This afternoon, Year 6 had their first taste of “Garage Band”, a music composing app which we have on our iPads. We had great fun experimenting with the sounds and rhythm patterns!

21 Jan

Year 6 write with Teaching Live

Today, Year 6 enjoyed the first of a series of online writing lessons with Pie Corbett (a very famous author and poet). We used our Chromebooks to interact with Pie and the 14 other schools involved in the session. We were able to add our own ideas using the “Padlet” function and get feedback from…

7 Jan

Making animations

This afternoon, we were learning about animations and how they still pictures played quickly. We used the app Pivot animator to make simple animations of a stick man.

17 Jun

Recording and changing our voice

We used Audacity to record our voices and edit them. This is part of our podcasting unit. 

17 May

Futuristic App inventors

Year 6 had an inventive afternoon today. They were tasked with coming up with new ideas for using technology in the classroom. Our ideas included electronic, interactive display boards and electronic mini whiteboards that can store your workings and mean you don’t need to worry about your…

14 May

Researching about plants

We have begun researching facts to use in our non-fiction book. We went to the school library to find non-fiction books and found the information section. We have looked at the features and found exciting information. 
We also used the iPads to research about plants. 

14 May

Goldilocks Scratch animations

This afternoon, we were using the programme Scratch to code an animation about Goldilocks.

19 Oct

Year 6 quizmasters at work

This term in Year 6 we have been reading the story “Stay Where You Are and then Leave” by John Boyne. As we near the end of the novel, we have decided to test each other’s knowledge of the story by writing our own quizzes on Purple Mash. Once they have been created, we will be able to share them…

21 Sep

Chrome books in action

There was great excitement this afternoon in Year 6 as everyone signed into our Chromebooks for the first time and used them in our art lesson. We used them to research three artists, from different periods of history, who used the medium of drawing in their work: Michaelangelo, Edward Ardizzone…

27 Mar

Our Final Animations!

Today, we started to create our final animations within our groups. We worked hard to use the skills we had learned to create a more seamless and organised animation, with a steady background and small movements between photographing the scenes. We each had our own roles to ensure that filming ran…

6 Mar

Year 2 Celebrate World Book Day!

Across school today, each year group has enjoyed exploring their learning through Drew Daywalt's wonderful story: The Day the Crayons Quit!

In Year 2, we explored synonyms for the names of the colours, and created colour thesauruses on the computer using the application 'Paint'. We started off…