21 Jan

Circuit Repairs!

Click the links below to take you to the virtual circuit building labs!






‪Circuit Construction Kit: DC - Virtual Lab‬ (colorado.edu)


Here are the children having a go at being…

17 Jan


Year 6 worked hard during their first lesson of iData where they were introduced to spreadsheets. The children learned how data is inputted into spreadsheets via cells and practiced navigating through spreadsheets, solving problems and cracking codes!

14 Jan

Sending messages using Semaphore

In computing we are learning to encode, send and decode messages in our Cryptography unit. Using flags is difficult and it was like learning a whole new language.

12 Jan

Computer Networks

This afternoon, Year 3 were learning how computer networks work. In groups, we acted out how a network switch sends messages to devices on its network. 

13 Dec

Computing writing HTML for Webpages

Click this link to take you to the webpage builder:

Resource6.4.5a (trinket.io)


15 Nov

We're all connected... iNetwork!

In Year 6, we have started our new Computing unit: iNetwork! In the first session, we learned how the term 'networked' means connected and thought of examples of networks from everyday life. We thought of electricity networks, the London Underground tube station, and devices connected to servers…

19 Oct

Creative Coding!

Year 6 have been very busy with our iCompute work this term... We have been creating our own 'pong' style games using Scratch by writing, testing and debugging our coding. We've learned to analyse pre-exisiting code from other games so that we understand what each element of the code does within…

7 Sep

First week in Y1

We have been exploring the challenges in the classroom. We have been trying to get Bee-Bot to follow instructions. We have enjoyed using directional vocabulary too. 

18 Nov

Computing- Beebots

We had fun programming Bee-Bot with instructional commands to make him go around our course. We predicted a route for him before we started. 

18 Sep

Computing in Continuous Provision

Working on keyboard and mouse skills in continuous provision. 

5 Feb

Online Safety Day

Today was National Internet Safety Day and Year 5 worked on a special project this year. We split into groups to plan and deliver a lesson to other classes in school about different aspects of Online Safety that were appropriate for the year group. The children took it very seriously and worked…

30 Nov

Internet Safety Talk

Today we were visited by PC Atkinson and CPO David who talked to us about being safe online. They challenged us about keeping private and not contacting anyone who we do not know when we are online.