First week in Y1
We have been exploring the challenges in the classroom. We have been trying to get Bee-Bot to follow instructions. We have enjoyed using directional vocabulary too.

Computing- Beebots
We had fun programming Bee-Bot with instructional commands to make him go around our course. We predicted a route for him before we started.

Computing in Continuous Provision
Working on keyboard and mouse skills in continuous provision.
Online Safety Day
Today was National Internet Safety Day and Year 5 worked on a special project this year. We split into groups to plan and deliver a lesson to other classes in school about different aspects of Online Safety that were appropriate for the year group. The children took it very seriously and worked…
Internet Safety Talk
Today we were visited by PC Atkinson and CPO David who talked to us about being safe online. They challenged us about keeping private and not contacting anyone who we do not know when we are online.
Science Hunters and Minecraft Year 5
On Friday 28th September, Jackie, Tom and Sophie from Science Hunters at Lancaster University came to lead science workshops with Years 5 and 6 about pollination. We were all very excited as we were learning through "playing" Minecraft! First of all we learnt about the life-cycle of plants and…
Minecraft Day at Lancaster University
On Monday 9th July, five of us went with Mrs Redmayne to Lancaster University to take part in the first ever Minecraft Day for Year 6 and 7 pupils. This was led by different departments across the university and included exploring a virtual world based on Treasure Island, working on a MInecraft…
Year 6 Internet Safety Session
This afternoon we were visited by PCs Dennis and Emma who talked to us about how to keep us safe on the internet.
Reception are working really hard in ICT on their mouse control skills. Here we are having a go at using the mouse to complete jigsaws.
Internet Safety session
We have been visited today by Cyber-Safe, who have reminded us about keeping safe online. We discussed top tips for keeping safe online, including being very careful with our personal information.