8 Feb

How do switches work?

We have been looking at how switches work today and discussed the importance of switches to save electricity, save money and for safety reasons. We also looked at different types of switches before making our own. 

2 Feb

Year 3 Magnetic materials

We have been investigating which materials are magnetic and which materials are non-magnetic. 
We found out that materials that are magnetic are made from metal BUT not all metals are magnetic. 

1 Feb

Static electricity

Today, we have made our hair stand on end by creating static electricity and learning the science behind it. We rubbed balloons on our jumpers and hovered them above our hair. Using the same method, we also tried to pick up small pieces of paper from the table and tried to attract our balloon to…

26 Jan

Electricity dance

Miss Helen is teaching us dances linked to our Science topic on electricity. We have thought of different movements to make an electrical circuit dance with a partner and incorporated switches, wires and different components into our sequence. 

11 Jan

Simple circuits

We began our unit on ‘Electricity’ today. We discussed appliances that use either mains or battery powered electricity or both and then sorted them into a Venn diagram. We also looked at all the components that make up a simple circuit and used these to create a circuit with a bulb that lit up. 

10 Jan

Sorting foods

This afternoon, we were sorting foods in Science. We had to think of different ways we could group the foods we were given. We sorted them by how healthy they were, what food group they are, taste, how much sugar they had. 

13 Dec

Investigating properties of Materials

We investigated the different properties of materials. We looked to see if they were bendy, waterproof or transparent.

24 Nov

Edible rocks!

This afternoon Mrs Dowson has been teaching the children about different types of rocks: sedimentary, metamorphic and igneous.  They used edible items to make the different types of rocks and  then drew real examples of each type.  They had lots of fun learning some quite tricky concepts and…

15 Nov


We also investigated pulleys.  Here we are testing the idea that pulleys can be used to lift larger loads using less force.

15 Nov


Today we investigated levers.  We learnt that levers can be used to lift larger, heavier loads using a much smaller force.  Here we are investigating the significance of the pivot point.  We made the heavier objects rise on our ‘ruler balances’ proving that a small force can indeed lift a larger…

8 Nov

Water Resistance

This week we are looking at the concept of water resistance.  Here we are investigating whether or not more streamlined shapes drop through the water more quickly.

2 Nov

Dissolving and filtering

We have been investigating which solids dissolve in water. We found out that sugar, salt and coffee do dissolve, they are soluble. Sand and rice do not dissolve, they are insoluble. We then filtered our mixtures to see if we could get the particles back but we could only retrieve the sand and…