17 Mar

Reflection investigation

Which materials reflect light the best? Year 3 investigated this today. We found  that shinier materials and white materials were better at reflecting light and that black was very bad for reflection.


14 Mar

Springing to Life!

In Year 1 we have been learning about Spring time and how new life can sprout and flourish at this time of year. We looked at a range of seeds and marvelled at how such a tiny thing can create something that we can eat or admire! We then planted some seeds in our teams and made sure to give them…

9 Mar

Which surfaces create more friction?

We carried out an investigation today to find out which surfaces creates more friction. We used a Newton meter to measure the amount of force used to pull our bags across different surfaces. We found out that surfaces that were bumpy and uneven such as the astroturf, concrete and carpet…

8 Mar

Animal Diets

We have been learning what different animals eat and sorting them into 3 categories: herbivores, carnivores and omnivores. 

7 Mar

Step into Spring!

Year 1 enjoyed a spring walk around the school grounds today. We looked for signs of the season and learned about why some trees lost their leaves over winter whilst others didn’t! We learned the new terms ‘deciduous’ and ‘evergreen’ and spotted these trees in our nature area. We heard birds…

2 Mar

Water resistance

We have been making different shapes from plasticine to investigate water resistance. We looked at the shapes of boats and fish to make different streamlined shapes that travelled faster through the water. 

27 Feb

Our Exciting Visitors!!

Thank you to Mrs Kornas who brought in their beautiful pet guinea pigs. We learnt all about how they care for them , what they eat and where they sleep. We all had the option to give them a stroke too! 

23 Feb

Forces in Year 4

Today, we have started to learn all about forces. We have watched a video about Isaac Newton and how he discovered gravity. We then used Newton meters to measure the amount of force needed to pull objects back down to earth and found out how this links to the mass of each object.

9 Feb

Making Switches

We have looked at a different types of switches and how they work. We then used a variety of materials to make our own switches.

3 Feb

Are all metals magnetic?

This week we have been investigating whether all metals are magnetic. 

2 Feb

Which materials are electrical conductors?

We have been investigating which materials are electrical conductors by placing different objects in a circuit. An electrical conductor lights the bulb up and an electrical insulator does not. We concluded that metals are electrical conductors.