13 Nov

Remembrance Day

Year 6 have been working hard throughout the Autumn term, learning about World War 1 in History sessions. To tie into this learning, we have started the new term by focusing on WW1 poetry in Literacy. We have read For the Fallen by Laurence Binyon, and looked carefully at its meaning and how it…

3 Oct

Pie Corbett literacy lessons

On Thursday, Year 6 joined in a massive literacy lesson with over 3000 other children! Pie Corbett was the host and taught the lesson. He is a very famous poet and author who has written over 250 books.

We played lots of fun word games and wrote a lot of descriptive sentences and some of us…

17 Sep

Socially distanced playtimes in Year 6

Year 6 have made a great start to their year, and have really been enjoying playing some socially distanced games during playtimes: Simon Says and Splat have proved popular. We even managed to play Shadow Tig this lunchtime as the sun came out to shine.


12 Mar

Learning about the Eucharist with Rev. Rebecca

Year 6 have been learning about the story of the Passover in the Old Testament and why it is such an important festival in the Jewish Faith. This week, they visited church, where Rev. Rebecca explained what happens in the Eucharist and how this is closely related to the events of the Passover.…

12 Mar

Our finished shelters

This week we have finally finisged our shelters in DT. The brief was to create strong shelters to suit playmobile people, which were waterproof and well insulated. Following the testing of a number of materials, and investigating how to create strong structures, we decided on the materials and…

12 Mar

Y3 Ballroom dancing rehearsals

Year 3 have been busy rehearsing their ballroom dancing routines, ready for their performance at Blackpool Tower Ballroom next Monday evening. They have been learning the jive and the waltz with coach Amy.

12 Mar

Mayans visit

On Friday afternoon. "Professor Tuesday" came to visit Y6 to tell us all about the Mayan civilisation of Central America. This included making a human timeline and handling lots of artefacts.

8 Mar

Cricket in the Spring sunshine

Year 6 enjoyed their first session of cricket with coach Steve Pemberton of the Lancashire Cricket Foundation. We learnt the jobs of the wicket keeper and bowler first, followed by batter and fielders. We practised playing in all these positions during the session. We look forward to developing…

7 Mar

Cancer Research DNA event

Year 6 enjoyed a day at Lancaster University on Thursday, finding out about the work of Cancer Research North West. First we had a practical session in the laboratory with one of the university's researchers, Tom, who explained what DNA is before showing us how to extract the DNA from fruit. We…

4 Mar

Adventures at Beacon Fell

Year 5 enjoyed a day of adventure at Beacon Fell this week. We have been reading Kensuke's Kingdom by Michael Murpurgo, so we imagined that we had been stranded on Beacon Fell, just like Michael had been washed up on the shores of Kensuke's island. First we explored the fell to find the best place…

25 Feb

Historic Scotforth walk

Year 5 have been studying the local area in their history and geography lessons recently. To round off their work, they spent this afternoon walking into Lancaster from school, searching out some of the oldest buildings in Scotforth and linking them to some of the important characters they have…

10 Feb

Making musical instruments

Year 5 have had fun this week, making their own musical instruments. They have previously spent time investigating how different instruments make sounds before planning and designing their own.