6 Jul

Y6 visit to County Hall

Year 6 had a long but interesting day today on their visit to County Hall. We began bright and early by walking down to the station and catching the train to Preston. As part of this term’s Citizenship activities, we spent the morning with Mr. Mynott, who took us into Lancashire County Council’s…

28 Jun

Y6’s Historic Lancaster trip

Year 6 had a busy day visiting some key locations in the city to bring their work on the history of Lancaster to life. We walked from school into the city centre, passing the old Victorian railway station near what is now the hospital, and White Cross Mill, which was owned by the locally…

24 Jun

Y4's Journey down the River Lune

Year 4 learnt all about rivers last term, but today they had the chance to take a journey down the River Lune, from its source at Newbiggin-on-Lune in Cumbria all the way down to the estuary beyond Glasson Dock. We started off at St. Helen's Well where we were surprised to find very little water…

17 Jun

Research scientists visit Year 6

Today, Dr Rigby and three of her colleagues from Lancaster University came to teach us about their jobs as research scientists. She explained how she had become a scientist and the work she does as an immunologist, learning how viruses work and how to develop vaccines. She helped us understand how…

18 May

Art in the woods

Today, Year 6 imaged themselves in the Australian outback, as we went to Dorrington Woods to do some “bark” painting. Australian Aborigines would paint designs on sheets of bark to help them remember stories or communicate a message. We replicated this idea using sheets of plywood to paint on, but…

17 May

Year 6 enjoy wheelchair basketball

Year 6 were  excited to be able to try wheelchair basketball again. The games were fast and furious, with some great teamwork and tactics being displayed. Thank you toLancaster Bulldogs for such a fun session.

12 May

A living Lancaster timeline

Year 6 braved the wind this morning when we ventured down to the field for our history lesson. We wanted to create a timeline showing the development of the city of Lancaster, from its Roman origins to the twentieth century.  Our timeline was far too long to fit into the classroom, but we had…

11 May

Woodland maths

After a full morning of SATs, Year 6 ventured into the woods this afternoon for some fresh air, exercise and maths! We worked with a partner, following and solving a trail of maths problems around the woods.

9 May

Maths treasure hunt in the sun

On Monday afternoon, Year 6 enjoyed a bit of light relief after their first SAT. We went outside to do a maths treasure hunt - solving a variety of problems, then using the answers to locate the next challenge. We got some fresh air and exercise, at the same time as revising some mathematical…

3 May

Y6 begin athletics in PE

Year 6 have begun their unit on athletics this half term. We began by recording a baseline - measuring how good we are at jumping, running and throwing. Over the next few weeks we will improve our techniques in each of these areas.

21 Apr

Finishing and evaluating our shelters

We had a busy afternoon on Monday, finishing our shelters then testing and evaluating them. The shelters had to meet the design brief: to be able to shelter a family of 4 Playmobile figures comfortably, keeping them safe from wind (a 30 second blast from a hair dryer) and rain (having 100ml of…

31 Mar

Year 6 Bikeability

Everyone inYear 6 had the opportunity to take part in Bikeability training this week, making sure we have the knowledge and experience to ride our bikes on the road safely for ourselves and other road users. This involved two full days of practice with instructors Anne and Dawn. We began on the…