Eco group help the community clean-up
Our newly formed Eco group for the year went out this afternoon with Mrs Ventress to help our local councillor Abi Mills and a group of volunteers. There task was to clear some of the litter and leaves which have been collecting on the streets around school.
Today is National Poetry Day. Year 6 have been learning the classic poem, Jabberwocky, by Lewis Carroll this week. Many of the words are nonsense words, so we spent time working out what word classes they were as well as imagining what they could mean. Today we went to the woods to act out verses…

Jane and Marcus lead worship
This afternoon, Jane and Marcus from New Life Church in Lancaster came to lead our Key Stage 2 worship. They helped us to think more about our Christian value of justice. One of the challenges was to see who could scoop up some sweets onto a plate the quickest. The only problem was, each person…

Year 6's Outdoor Learning with the Wildlife Trust
Year 6 had a lovely time in the woods this afternoon, working with Kate from the Wildlife Trust for Lancashire. She showed us how to use field guides to identify plants and trees in the woods. We learnt to identify a variety of trees including sycamores, oaks, rowans, and beech, as well as ivy…

Last day at Lockerbie
Sadly, our week at Lockerbie has come to an end. We enjoyed two final activities this morning, before having lunch then returning to school. And what activities they were: high ropes, climbing, abseiling, survival and initiative exercises.
Throughout the week the children have really…

Thursday at Lockerbie
We have enjoyed a fourth day of sunshine today, along with a visit from Mrs Walsh. All groups had a raft-building session on the lake, alongside zip wire, abseiling, climbing and survival skills, where we built shelters and fires. In the evening we all went for a walk up through the woods and up…

Wednesday at Lockerbie
Another beautiful sunny day, and another day jam-packed with fun activities. Many activities today have involved perseverance and overcoming personal challenges, such as mountain biking, high ropes and zip wire. We’ve also enjoyed some great team activities including crate stacking and low ropes…

Tuesday at Lockerbie
Tuesday has been an amazing day for us all at Lockerbie, in more ways than one. The weather has been stunning -warm sunshine and blue skies all day (so good in fact that the kitchen staff decided to arrange a barbecue for our evening meal), the activities have been great and children have had such…

Our first day at Lockerbie
Year 6 have made a great start to their week at Lockerbie Manor. We arrived at 2.30pm and have had an action-packed afternoon and evening of archery, climbing, abseiling, blind trail and negotiating a very muddy obstacle course. We have lots more to look forward to in the days to come!

Goodbye Year 6!
Today we said goodbye to our wonderful Year 6 class. Yesterday they enjoyed sharing their memories and achievements during our Leavers’ Service in St. Paul’s church. Several children also received awards (see this week’s newsletter for details). It was lovely to welcome back last year’s recipients…

Goodbye Year 6!
Today we said goodbye to our wonderful Year 6 class. Yesterday they enjoyed sharing their memories and achievements during our Leavers’ Service in St. Paul’s church. Several children also received awards (see this week’s newsletter for details). It was lovely to welcome back last year’s recipients…

Year 6’s Pizza Surprise!
Year 6 had a surprise this afternoon when a special delivery arrived for them. Thank you very much to Scot4All who kindly provided pizza for us. As you can see, we certainly enjoyed this unexpected treat.