10 Feb

Y6 learn about Passover

Year 6 have been learning all about the Jewish festival of Passover this half term. They learnt how the festival is celebrated every year by Jews all over the world, to make sure they remember the time when God used Moses to rescue and free his people from slavery in Egypt. After many plagues, the…

25 Jan

Lancaster Schools Athletic Tournament

The athletics team had an exciting afternoon at the Lancaster schools athletics tournament today. Although they didn’t win a medal, they showed great skill, perseverance and a positive attitude throughout. Well done to you all!

25 Jan

Lancaster Schools Athletics Tournament

The athletics team had an exciting afternoon at the Lancaster schools athletics tournament today. Although they didn’t win a medal, they showed great skill, perseverance and a positive attitude throughout. Well done to you all!

14 Jan

Reception Superheroes

Reception have been reading all about how to be a Superhero. Do you recognise us even when we are dressed as our superhero alter egos?

1 Dec

Advent has arrived

Children came into school this morning to find some changes as we enter the season of advent. Make sure you look at the display in the entrance corridor, which shows paintings of the nativity created by artists from all over the world. Can you find “Happy Christmas” written in any languages you…

18 Nov

Knitting club

Year 6 are enjoying learning new skills in Knitting Club. Thank you to Miss Goddard, one of our school governors, for her time (and patience!) in running the group.


18 Oct

St. John’s Hospice collect donation from “Readathon”

Today we welcomed Rachael from St. John’s Hospice into school to present her with a cheque for £783. We raised this money from our “Readathon” which actually took place before lockdown. At last we have been able to invite her into school to find out what the money will be spent on. She explained…

13 Oct

Reading buddies

It is lovely to be enjoying time outside together again and Year 5 are doing a great job acting as Reading Buddies to the younger children. They are available each lunchtime play to help the infants choose and read books from the outdoor “book shed”.


8 Oct

House Captains visit the Olive Branch

The newly appointed House Captains took our collection of food from the Harvest Festival to the Olive Branch food bank today. They found out about the work of the charity then stayed a while to help sort some of the many donations they had received today. It was amazing to think that every tin or…

8 Oct

House Captains visit the Olive Branch

The newly appointed House Captains took our collection of food from the Harvest Festival to the Olive Branch food bank today. They found out about the work of the charity then stayed a while to help sort some of the many donations they had received today. It was amazing to think that every tin or…

30 Sep

Harvest worship on zoom

So everyone in school could join together with Rev. Rebecca to celebrate harvest, we “zoomed” this afternoon. Each class was challenged to make smaller words from the letters of HARVEST. Amongst the words we found were HAVE, EAT and SHARE. Rev. Rebecca reminded us that all we have comes from God’s…