Cross-curricular orienteering
Year 6 combined SPAG revision with orienteering skills today as they worked on our recently installed new orienteering course. They had to use a map to find their way to specific control points before answering SPAG question at each one. what a fun and healthy way to revise for SATs!

“Facing The Past” slave trade trail
The sun shone for Year 6 today as they walked down to the Maritime Museum to take part in the slave trade trail developed by “Facing The Past” and some local teachers - including our very own Mrs Walsh.
Once we arrived at the Maritime Museum, we met our guide, Eleanor, who lead us round some of…

Happy Easter!
In RE we have been finding out more about who Jesus is, including learning about some of the different names used for Jesus either in the Bible or by Christians generally. We used these names to create our stunning Easter cards.

Everyone inYear 6 has had the opportunity to take part in Bikeability training this week, making sure we have the knowledge and experience to ride our bikes on the road safely for ourselves and other road users. This involved two full days of practice with instructors from Go Velo. We began on the…

Feel-good Friday biscuit decorating
The whole school had a great time this afternoon, taking part in a choice of activities to help us relax. Activities available included mindfulness colouring, forest schools, cross stitch, Lego, jigsaws and reading to name just a few. Several children enjoyed decorating biscuits as one of their…

Investigating chocolate production - is it fair?
As the culmination of their geography work on world trade, Year 6 used all their knowledge to help them understand the supply chain involved in chocolate production. They were shocked to find that from the £1 retail price of a bar of chocolate, the cocoa farmers in Ghana only receive 8p! Through…

Eco group go tree planting
What a glorious day for planting trees! The Eco-group donned their wellies and gardening gloves this afternoon and went down to the school field with their spades and trowels. Hilary from the Friends of Dorrington Woods joined us there to show us how to plant different types of saplings - potted…

Be the Change - Go Green!
Today Year 5 and 6 went to Lancaster University for a “Be the Change Day” focusing on the environment.
This was organised by the students of the university and took place on campus.
We learnt all about food miles, how fruit and vegetables are grown and transported and the impact of plastics on…

Eco group tree planting project
Eco group have been looking at the possibility of planting some trees on our school field. Today we went down to the field with Hilary from Dorrington Woods, who came to help us measure out a suitable area. We drew a plan and calculated how many trees we will need to order.

Gymnastic balances
Year 6 have been working on developing their gymnastic skills this half term. So far we have practised mirrored and matched balances, including counter balance and counter tension balances. Today we moved on to plan routines including working on a piece of apparatus. There were some great ideas…

Evaluating our shelters
Today we got the chance to evaluate the shelters we made last half term. Our design brief had been to construct a shelter to house a family of four playmobile people. It had to be waterproof, and built of a construction strong enough to withstand a 500g weight being dropped on its roof and a 30…

Shelter building commences
Today Year 6 got back to making their shelters after a week off for Enterprise Week. They worked incredibly hard to create their designs using some of the materials they tested previously and worked very well not only in their pairs but as a whole class, helping each other out when necessary and…