2 Dec

Planning to build a shelter

During this week, we have started investigating shelters in DT. We began by researching the different types of air raid shelters that were designed and used in WW2. Anderson and Morrison shelters were two of the most common types. We then went on to investigate how to make strong structures and…

1 Dec

Year 6 printing project continues…..

We have been working hard on our printing over the last two weeks. Last week, we added a second colour to our original prints, after adding more detail to our initial outline shapes.

Today we removed our main motif from our tile and worked on adding detail to our backgrounds. Finally we chose a…

17 Nov

Year 6 printing project begins

This week, we welcomed Naomi St. John into our class to help us design and create multi-layered prints which will eventually become our Christmas cards. Having created our basic designs and transferred them onto polystyrene tiles, we learnt how to ink them and print our designs onto coloured…

11 Nov

For the Fallen

Today, the 11th November, we all stopped and gathered in the hall at 11 o’clock to remember the people who have died in wars both in the past and in ongoing conflicts. Following our two minutes of silence, Year 6 recited three verses of the poem “For the Fallen”, which they have been learning in…

2 Nov

Playleaders refresh their training

Year 6 have had a morning refreshing their Playleaders training. They completed the full course last year with Scott, who came back today to give us some more ideas and remind us of the key principles for a good Playleaders session - it should be safe, active and fun. We enjoyed coming up with…

1 Nov

Bible Explorers begins

Having missed out on their Bible Explorers sessions last year due to COVID, Year 6 welcomed Richard and Ruth from Sportsreach into class today, to begin their 5 week walk through the Old Testament. Beginning in Genesis with creation, we acted out some of the stories and learnt some simple signs…

31 Oct

Year 5 and 6 Intrasports

After being rained off at the end of last term, Year 5 and 6 managed to hold their Intrasports competition this afternoon. The event was planned and run by our Sports Captains and involved using the skills we had learnt in our PE lessons last term. The activities included rugby passing skills,…

12 Oct

Eco group help the community clean-up

Our newly formed Eco group for the year went out this afternoon with Mrs Ventress to help our local councillor Abi Mills and a group of volunteers. There task was to clear some of the litter and leaves which have been collecting on the streets around school.

6 Oct


Today is National Poetry Day. Year 6 have been learning the classic poem, Jabberwocky, by Lewis Carroll this week. Many of the words are nonsense words, so we spent time working out what word classes they were as well as imagining what they could mean. Today we went to the woods to act out verses…

6 Oct

Jane and Marcus lead worship

This afternoon, Jane and Marcus from New Life Church in Lancaster came to lead our Key Stage 2 worship. They helped us to think more about our Christian value of justice. One of the challenges was to see who could scoop up some sweets onto a plate the quickest. The only problem was, each person…

28 Sep

Year 6's Outdoor Learning with the Wildlife Trust

Year 6 had a lovely time in the woods this afternoon, working with Kate from the Wildlife Trust for Lancashire. She showed us how to use field guides to identify plants and trees in the woods. We learnt to identify a variety of trees including sycamores, oaks, rowans, and beech, as well as ivy…

16 Sep

Last day at Lockerbie

Sadly, our week at Lockerbie has come to an end. We enjoyed two final activities this morning, before having lunch then returning to school. And what activities they were: high ropes, climbing, abseiling, survival and initiative exercises. 

Throughout the week the children have really…