27 Sep

Playleaders in action

Year 6 have begun putting their playleader training into action this week as they support the KS1 children during lunchtime play. Three Year 6 playleaders will be on duty each lunchtime to organise group games in the playleader zone on the bottom playground. 


27 Sep

Playleaders in action

Year 6 have begun putting their playleader training into action this week, as they support the KS1 children during lunchtime play. They are leading games in the playleaders zone on the bottom playground. 


18 Sep

Last day at Lockerbie

Today we said goodbye to Lockerbie Manor and set off home after lunch. Before that though, we still had activities to enjoy, which included abseiling, target shooting, survival skills, archery and tackling the low-ropes course. 


14 Sep

Day 2 at Lockerbie Manor

We woke up to rain this morning, but we enjoyed a hearty breakfast before venturing out to go orienteering and learn survival skills. Thankfully it stopped raining in the afternoon. We had a great time on the lake canoeing and kayaking. We finished the day with abseiling or tackling the high ropes…

13 Sep

Year 6 arrive at Lockerbie Manor

Year 6 arrived at Lockerbie Manor this afternoon to begin their week of outdoor and adventurous activities. After settling into their dorms, they split into groups to enjoy various activities including the obstacle course, blind trail, zip wire and low ropes course. They also enjoyed their first…

2 Sep

All change!

In our first zoom worship of the new school year we thought about all the things that have changed since we were last in school: Mrs Aylott has retired, Miss Huddleston is leading school this term, we all have a different teacher and we no longer have to stay in our class bubbles, to name just a…

19 Jul

Mrs Aylott’s retirement assembly

Today we said goodbye to Mrs Aylott, who has been our headteacher for the last 18 years. We surprised her with a special assembly in her honour. We welcomed her onto the top playground with a trumpet fanfare (courtesy of Theo and Joshua in Year 6) before each class presented a musical or poetic…

16 Jul

Year 6 leavers’ party 2021

Year 6 enjoyed a leavers’ party with a difference on Friday evening, Due to coved restrictions we were unable to hold our usual leavers’ event, so the teachers hosted a party in school. The children enjoyed a bouncy castle, photo booth, nail painting, hair braiding and the extremely popular water…

13 Jul

NISCU Year 6 transition lesson

We have all been enjoying the weekly NISCU “disassembles” in our class worship times. Today Year 6 enjoyed an actual, rather than virtual, visit from Debbie and Johnny. They looked at the story of Joseph and the many changes and challenges he faced in his life, before thinking about changes in our…

13 Jul

NISCU visit to Year 6

We have all been enjoying the weekly NISCU “disassembles” in our class worship times. Today Year 6 enjoyed an actual, rather than virtual, visit from Debbie and Johnny. They looked at the story of Joseph and the many changes and challenges he faced in his life, before thinking about changes in our…

8 Jul

Year 6 go crown green bowling

Year 6 enjoyed an afternoon of crown green bowling with Coach Dan today. We had fun learning how to hold the bowls, the best technique to use and how to ‘read’ the green. We all improved our skills by the end of the session and some of us really surprised ourselves with how accurate we could be.…

24 Jun

Day 4 at Bassenfell Manor

Another great day at Bassenfell. We began the morning by thinking about the importance of looking after each other and encouraging those around us. We had lots of opportunities to demonstrate this in today’s activities. Some of us went rock climbing, where we belayed each other and encouraged…