20 Oct

People of Scotforth, we need YOU!

In Y6 this week, we have become increasingly passionate about our Autumn term History topic: World War 1! After reading more of our class book in English (Stay Where You Are and Then Leave), we have become invested in the lives of Alfie Somerfield and his family, which as a result has developed…

20 Oct

Eva Rothschild clay work

This afternoon, we have been using clay to make more Eva Rothschild sculptures.



20 Oct

Raising Resilience!

This term we are ever so lucky to be involved in the Bounce Forward programme run by ‘Lancashire Mind’. Once a week, our fabulous teacher, Sharon, comes in to work with Year 6 to help us with all things ‘resilient’! We learn how to better understand and manage our emotions, set targets and goals…

20 Oct

Working together and taking turns.

Everyone loves the marble run. We are working together to build the track and share out the marbles. Look at how we are sat waiting for a turn.

20 Oct

Intra-school Sports Y1/2

The children enjoyed competing as a team against the other house teams to gain points. We remembered to apply the ‘Values of the School Games’ within the competition.

20 Oct

Nature all around

Ladybirds are looking for somewhere warm to spend the winter.

19 Oct

Our First Intra Sports

We had an exciting morning running super fast with our Nursery friends and earning points for our school teams.

19 Oct

Y3 and Y4 Intrasports competition

This morning, Year 3 and 4 had a dodgeball competition. Everyone played fantastically but Ashton Green won.



19 Oct

Year 1 Fruit Salad DT

We designed our fruit salads after discussing which healthy foods we should eat and why. We enjoyed chopping up our chosen fruits and trying fruits that we had never tried before! After tasting our fruit salad, using one of the five sense, we evaluated it. Some children had never tried plum…

19 Oct

Year 1 Fruit Salad DT

We designed our fruit salads after discussing which healthy foods we should eat and why. We enjoyed chopping up our chosen fruits and trying fruits that we had never tried before! After tasting our fruit salad, using one of the five sense, we evaluated it. Some children had never tried plum…

19 Oct

Year 1 Fruit Salad DT

We designed our fruit salads after discussing which healthy foods we should eat and why. We enjoyed chopping up our chosen fruits and trying fruits that we had never tried before! After tasting our fruit salad, using one of the five sense, we evaluated it. Some children had never tried plum…

19 Oct

Y1 Fruit Salad DT

We designed our fruit salads after discussing which healthy foods we should eat and why. We enjoyed chopping up our chosen fruits and trying fruits that we had never tried before! After tasting our fruit salad, using one of the five sense, we evaluated it. Some children had never tried plum…