Brushing our teeth as part of our All About Me topic.
We had fun watching the Tooth Defenders and learning how important it is to brush our teeth. Then we practiced brushing our teeth making sure we remembered every part of our mouths.
Year 6 & Year 2 Shared Poetry Time
Across school, for National Poetry Week, the classes buddied up to share some time together to read poetry! Year 6 were lucky enough to have Year 2 as their buddies, and thoroughly enjoyed reading poems to the younger children and listening to them read also!
In PE on Mondays, we have been working on our OAA (Outdoor Adventurous Activities) skills! Following on from what we learned whilst in Lockerbie, we spent the session building trust and communication skills in small groups, as 1/3 were not allowed to see or speak, 1/3 were not allowed to see but…
Sorting Objects
We had lots of fun collecting different objects we found around the school grounds. We then sorted them in lots of different ways.
Year 3 Dodgeball
This afternoon, Year 3 had a dodgeball coach come in to teach us how to play dodgeball. We then had a mini competition.
House Captains visit the Olive Branch
The newly appointed House Captains took our collection of food from the Harvest Festival to the Olive Branch food bank today. They found out about the work of the charity then stayed a while to help sort some of the many donations they had received today. It was amazing to think that every tin or…
House Captains visit the Olive Branch
The newly appointed House Captains took our collection of food from the Harvest Festival to the Olive Branch food bank today. They found out about the work of the charity then stayed a while to help sort some of the many donations they had received today. It was amazing to think that every tin or…
What do I need to make the perfect string telephone?
Today in Science we have been investigating how to make the perfect string telephone.
We used different sized cups, made from different materials and then tested wool, string and thread in different lengths and thicknesses.
In pairs, we decided which of our string telephones was the best…
Exploring using our senses!
This week we have been using our senses to explore. We smelled different scents with our noses. The Parmesan cheese was not very popular!
Today we have used our sense of touch to explore , using our feet. The children gathered toys from inside and outside. Ivy told us the sand felt smooth and…
Poetry Day
We really enjoyed Year 4 coming to our class today to share some of their favourite poems.
Reading Buddies
This week in school we were celebrating reading. Today we paired up with Year 6 to share lots of different types of books. The Year 6 children did a fantastic job reading to us. Thanks Y6!!
Fun with Oobleck
Today, we made Oobleck using cornflour and water. It was really messy but so much fun! Oobleck is a non-Newtonian fluid which is a another meaning for fluids that change viscosity (how easy they flow). When we ran our fingers slowly through the mixture it acted like a liquid, but when we applied…