19 Oct

Y3 and Y4 Intrasports competition

This morning, Year 3 and 4 had a dodgeball competition. Everyone played fantastically but Ashton Green won.



19 Oct

Year 1 Fruit Salad DT

We designed our fruit salads after discussing which healthy foods we should eat and why. We enjoyed chopping up our chosen fruits and trying fruits that we had never tried before! After tasting our fruit salad, using one of the five sense, we evaluated it. Some children had never tried plum…

19 Oct

Year 1 Fruit Salad DT

We designed our fruit salads after discussing which healthy foods we should eat and why. We enjoyed chopping up our chosen fruits and trying fruits that we had never tried before! After tasting our fruit salad, using one of the five sense, we evaluated it. Some children had never tried plum…

19 Oct

Year 1 Fruit Salad DT

We designed our fruit salads after discussing which healthy foods we should eat and why. We enjoyed chopping up our chosen fruits and trying fruits that we had never tried before! After tasting our fruit salad, using one of the five sense, we evaluated it. Some children had never tried plum…

19 Oct

Y1 Fruit Salad DT

We designed our fruit salads after discussing which healthy foods we should eat and why. We enjoyed chopping up our chosen fruits and trying fruits that we had never tried before! After tasting our fruit salad, using one of the five sense, we evaluated it. Some children had never tried plum…

19 Oct

Creative Coding!

Year 6 have been very busy with our iCompute work this term... We have been creating our own 'pong' style games using Scratch by writing, testing and debugging our coding. We've learned to analyse pre-exisiting code from other games so that we understand what each element of the code does within…

18 Oct

St. John’s Hospice collect donation from “Readathon”

Today we welcomed Rachael from St. John’s Hospice into school to present her with a cheque for £783. We raised this money from our “Readathon” which actually took place before lockdown. At last we have been able to invite her into school to find out what the money will be spent on. She explained…

18 Oct

Year 4 art - designing chairs

Year 4 have been designing and making chairs. We made a variety of test chairs to see which materials were good to use. Next we designed a chair for a teddy or book character in our sketch books. Finally, we had a fun afternoon making our finished product.

18 Oct

Y2 Role Play

In literacy, we have been reading the story ‘The Way Home For Wilf’. Today we acted parts of the story and the rest of us had to guess which bit we were doing.  Our acting was so good everyone could guess which bit we were doing!

18 Oct

Y2 Books of the Bible

Our good friend, Debbie Green, came into class today to teach us all about the books of the bible.  It was lovely to see her again and we learnt a lot!

18 Oct

Y5 & 6: Intra-Sports!!!

Intra-sports across year groups is finally back, and boy, did we come back with a bang!

With Mrs Redmayne as official umpire, and Miss Parlane manning the V.A.R. cameras, Year 5 & 6 threw themselves (at times, quite literally) into the thick of 3 matches against the opposing school houses- Lune…

18 Oct

Year 5 & 6: Intra-Sports!!

Intra-sports across year groups is finally back, and boy, did we come back with a bang!

With Mrs Redmayne as official umpire, and Miss Parlane manning the V.A.R. cameras, Year 5 & 6 threw themselves (at times, quite literally) into the thick of 3 matches against the opposing school houses- Lune…