28 Mar

Year4 Mother’s Day cards

We really hope you all liked your Mother’s Day cards. We spent lots of time and care making them for such special people.

27 Mar

Showing kindness to our mums on Mothering Sunday

Year 6 have been creating special interactive cards for their mums on Mothering Sunday, linked to our current worship theme of kindness. They made posies of paper flowers using folding and cutting techniques then wrote acts of kindness on each stem which they will carry out for their mums.…

27 Mar

Happy Mother’s Day

Happy Mother’s Day to all our lovely mums. Our cards were made using the skills of snipping around a circle and tearing paper to make the petals. We hope you’ve all had a fun day.

11 Mar

Garden Time

Today the children were tasked with collecting objects from the garden and making pictures with them. 


1 Feb

Year 4- Chinese New Year

Year 4 have been using their Art and DT skills to make Chinese dragons ready to celebrate 2022 The Year of the Tiger.

31 Jan

Science Investigation- which materials are the most transparent ?

We were talking about making our 3D rocket and the best materials for the window. We conducted an experiment to see which materials would be the best. First, we predicted and then we used a torch to test to see if any light would go through the materials. 
We found glass and clear plastic were…

18 Jan

Lunchtime Art Club

At lunchtime a group of Y6 children have volunteered to run an Art club for Y1 and Y2 children. Look out for photos of other things the children have made.

10 Dec

Our finished clay tiles

Today we painted our clay tiles. Each symbol we used means something personal to us as individuals.

10 Dec

Maya coil pots

We have designed our own Maya pots using pictures, hieroglyphs and colours from the period. 
Yesterday Miss Huddleston came to teach us how to make the pots from clay. We used coils to create the sides and slip to join the coils together. When the pots are dry we will add our designs. We had a…

25 Nov

Clay tiles in the style of the Maya

Today in Art we have designed and started to make our own clay tiles in the style of the Maya Civilisation. We created 4 symbols to represent us as individuals and incorporated these into a clay tile. When they are dry we will paint them. 

25 Nov

Printing Progression

We have moved onto the final layers of our prints! Before this lesson, we had designed our prints, created a simple print of the outline in one colour, and pushed down patterns and sections of our tiles for the second. By designing and pushing down our backgrounds on the polytiles, we are adding…

22 Nov

Year 4 Art based on the artist and architect Hundertwasser

The children have designed their own pictures in the style of the artist Hundertwasser. Eventually these will be made into calendars for 2022. Don’t the pictures look bright and colourful?