24 May

Y1 Printing Tiles

We have enjoyed looking at the designer Orla Kiely and have made our own printing tiles in the same style. We have produced some super designs. 

17 May

Year 4 Art

Year 4 have been looking at two artists in this block of work. Hundertwasser was an Austrian painter and architect who enjoyed environmental campaigning. Karla Gerard is an American folk artist producing paintings and textile pieces.

The children built up their skills in drawing with a variety…

10 May

Tints and shades

Today, we were learning how to create tints and shades for our painting work. We then used them to recreate a painting by Georgia O’Keefe.


24 Apr

Observational leaf drawing

This afternoon, Year 3 were practising their observational drawing skills. We were sketching leaves with as much detail as possible.


29 Mar

Year 4 Art

Year 4 have been making ripped paper collages in the style of Antoni Gaudi. The ripped paper looks like his tile mosaic technique called trencardis. The children had a variety of source material and then designed their own picture. Here are a selection of the completed ones.

22 Mar


We have been building upon our own Matisse style collages. We have been practising the skill of plaiting and added it onto our collages.

6 Mar

Year 2 Celebrate World Book Day!

Across school today, each year group has enjoyed exploring their learning through Drew Daywalt's wonderful story: The Day the Crayons Quit!

In Year 2, we explored synonyms for the names of the colours, and created colour thesauruses on the computer using the application 'Paint'. We started off…

6 Mar

World Book Day - Year 4

World Book Day started with the teachers reading letters to Duncan from the book The Day the Crayons Quit. This set the scene for the rest of the day. Year 4 had the blue crayon which was complaining as it was short and stubby because it had been used to colour, oceans, skies and rivers. Year 4…

24 Feb

Colour Mixing

We explored mixing the primary colours to make secondary colours. We also discussed how we could make them lighter and darker.

10 Feb

Our Graffiti Tags!

In art have been looking at graffiti artists and how they often have a distinctive "tag" or autograph.  We designed out own and then created stencils from our designs.  Graffiti artists, such as Banksy, often use spray paints with stencils but we used sponging instead.  We then used a black…

13 Jan

Experimental drawing

This afternoon, we have been experimenting with drawing. We have looked at artwork by William Morris to see how he uses colour and textures in his prints. The children were then asked to copy a photograph but they weren’t allowed to take their pencil off the page whilst drawing. It was very…

11 Jan

African Animal Art

This week we looked at the amazing animals found on the continent of Africa.  After exploring these animals we looked closely at the colour and texture of their skin.  We used careful observation to draw the patterns before using our painting skills to match…