Year 2 Celebrate World Book Day!
Across school today, each year group has enjoyed exploring their learning through Drew Daywalt's wonderful story: The Day the Crayons Quit!
In Year 2, we explored synonyms for the names of the colours, and created colour thesauruses on the computer using the application 'Paint'. We started off…
World Book Day - Year 4
World Book Day started with the teachers reading letters to Duncan from the book The Day the Crayons Quit. This set the scene for the rest of the day. Year 4 had the blue crayon which was complaining as it was short and stubby because it had been used to colour, oceans, skies and rivers. Year 4…
Colour Mixing
We explored mixing the primary colours to make secondary colours. We also discussed how we could make them lighter and darker.
Our Graffiti Tags!
In art have been looking at graffiti artists and how they often have a distinctive "tag" or autograph. We designed out own and then created stencils from our designs. Graffiti artists, such as Banksy, often use spray paints with stencils but we used sponging instead. We then used a black…
Experimental drawing
This afternoon, we have been experimenting with drawing. We have looked at artwork by William Morris to see how he uses colour and textures in his prints. The children were then asked to copy a photograph but they weren’t allowed to take their pencil off the page whilst drawing. It was very…
African Animal Art
This week we looked at the amazing animals found on the continent of Africa. After exploring these animals we looked closely at the colour and texture of their skin. We used careful observation to draw the patterns before using our painting skills to match…
African Animal Art
We also made finger puppets this afternoon. Again we had to think carefully about the colours we used. We also had to cut out our animal templates including two very tricky inner circles for our fingers.
This afternoon, we started our printing topic in Art. We looked at artwork by William Morris, Richard Shimmel and Lisa Stubbs. We then used carbon paper to print pictures we had drawn onto our paper in repeating patterns.
Who lives here.
Not quite the real thing but at least we found some British animals in our playground.
Who lives here
We started our new topic off in the playground (in spite of the rain) with a search for some British animals. We knew lots of them were nocturnal so Mrs Cross may have helped us out and put some pictures out to help us!
Year 6 finish their printing project
After several weeks of designing, printing, drying, printing, drying and more printing, our Christmas cards are finally finished! We are very proud of them and hope our parents like them. Special thanks to Naomi for sharing her time and expertise with us.